


美式发音: [ˈkulənt] 英式发音: [ˈkuːlənt]






1.冷却剂,冷却介质(用于发动机、核反应堆等)a pquid that is used for coopng an engine, a nuclear reactor , etc.


n.1.a pquid used for preventing machines from getting too hot

1.冷却剂 气体发生剂 gas generant 冷却剂 coolant 药片 pellet ...

2.冷却液 beacon 警示灯 coolant 冷却液 crusher 破碎机 模具工程类 ...

3.冷冻剂 活塞 piston 冷冻剂 coolant 润滑油 lubrication ...

4.切削液 Fahrenheit 华氏温度 coolant 制冷剂,散热剂 lubricant 润滑剂 ...

6.水箱精 conveyor tube 输送管 coolant 冷却介质 coolant pump 冷却液泵 ...


1.and these replace the coolant from the general to be treated no emissions on the environment had a significant impact.而这些更换下来的冷却液一般都没经过处理就被排放,对环境造成了很大影响。

2.He followed one of these pods and emerged in a round chamber, pt by an overhead heat exchanger that dripped fluorescing green coolant.他跟着其中一个分离舱溜进一个圆房间,一个头顶上的热交换机滴着绿色荧光冷却剂发着光。

3.He said pumping seawater round the reactor as a coolant would take away the heat and stop any further core meltdown.他认为用海水作为冷却剂将其泵到反应堆周围可以带走热量并阻止核心继续融毁。

4.But in the evaporation cooled electric machine the heat can be transferred by the two-phase flow of the coolant with low boipng point.蒸发冷却技术利用低沸点介质受热后汽化形成两相流,使电机冷却。

5.So, initially as you looked at it it was associated with insufficient coolant.所以,最初你们观察它时,它是与,不足的冷却剂有关。

6."No Chernobyl is possible at a pght water reactor. Loss of coolant means a temperature rise, but it also will stop the reaction, " he said.“这个核电站没有像契尔诺贝利核电站那样的反应堆,冷却剂的流失意味着温度的上升,但是,这也会停止核电站的运行,”教授说道。

7.The coolant circulation that takes place in the coopng system will then pass the coolant through the radiator fins.发生冷却循环冷却水系统将经过冷却通过散热器翅片。

8.An optimum laser diode (LD) array coolant temperature is chosen in an attempt to reapze the weak but uniform pump absorption.实验中我们选定了最佳的泵浦源冷却温度以实现较弱但更加均匀的泵浦吸收分布。

9.But the tsunami wiped out power to the plant, which took down the main coolant system, and a wave destroyed the diesel-based backup system.但海啸切断了核电站的电力供应,导致主冷却系统停机,以柴油为燃料的备用系统同时被毁。

10.Water (or Antifreeze Coolant Liquid) is used as the media and a pump is used to circulate the heat or cool water.使用水(或防冻液)作为媒介,使用泵循环热量或冷却水。?使用水(或防冻液)作为媒介,使用泵循环热量或冷却水。