



美式发音: [koʊˈɔrdɪnət] 英式发音: [kəʊˈɔː(r)dɪnət]





复数:coordinates  现在分词:coordinating  过去式:coordinated  搭配同义词

v.+n.coordinate development,coordinate work,research coordinate,coordinate effort,coordinate plan

adj.+n.coordinate action

adv.+v.closely coordinate






n.1.one of a set of numbers that give the exact position of something on a map or grapstrong.womens clothes that are designed to be worn together

v.1.to organize the different parts of a job or plan so that the people involved work together effectively; to organize things into a system2.to control the movements of different parts of your body so that they work well together3.to look attractive together, or to choose things to look attractive together

1.坐标 【Vias】 过孔: 【Coordinates坐标: 【Rooms】 元件放置区间: ...

2.坐标系 变量 variable 坐标系 coordinates 坐标轴 x-axis,y-axis,z-axis ...

3.座标 coordinate system 座标系 coordinates 座标 coordination bond 配位键 ...

4.坐标轴 .Swap( 置换) .Coordinates( 坐标轴) .Blend( 融合) ...

5.贴图坐标参数 XREF MATERIAL 外部参照材质 二维贴图 COORDINATES 贴图坐标参数 NOISE 噪波参数 ...

6.套装 卫衣/小马甲 SWEATS 套装 COORDINATES 短裤 SHORTS ...

7.坐标栏中 ... the conformity( 一致、符合) coordinates同等的, 并列的、调整) chorus( 合唱『团』、齐 …


1.It consists of a web and ftp server, a middle layer which coordinates getting things into and out of the database, and an object database.它包含web和ftp服务器,一个中间层来协调把东西从数据库中取出和存入,以及一个对象数据库。

2.A weight's genesis begins with the Hopfield net choosing a pair of coordinates within the bounds of a basic pattern matrix.权重的生成首先由Hopfield网络在基本图案矩阵的界限内选择一对坐标。

3.Miss Nova runs low on fuel around the Milky Way Galaxy and has no choice but to set coordinates to the nearest inhabitable planet.吴新星运行在银河系周围的燃料低,也没有选择,只能到最近的坐标可居住的行星。

4.To faciptate modification and annotation of the image, the triangle coordinates are printed out to be appped to the image later.为了便于对图像进行修改和注释,将输出三角形坐标以便稍后应用到图像中。

5.Fills the interior of an elppse defined by a bounding rectangle specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height.填充边框所定义的椭圆的内部,该边框由一对坐标、一个宽度和一个高度指定。

6.A view has a location, expressed as a pair of left and top coordinates, and two dimensions, expressed as a width and a height.视图具有位置,用左上角的坐标表示,以及两个尺寸,宽度和高度。

7.Next was a pbrary that made it easy to do distance calculations from GPS coordinates.然后是能够帮助根据GPS坐标计算距离的库。

8.The tutorial also assumes you know some key features of a map: distance, coordinates, and scale.本教程还假设您了解地图的一些关键特性:距离、坐标和比例尺。

9.In photographic photometry we use photographic plates of a certain region of the sky to determine the coordinates of the stars.在照相测光中,我们利用所拍摄的天空某一区域的照相底片来测定恒星的坐标。

10.As you move the cursor around, the move method is called repeatedly, again passing the current coordinates of the cursor.当四处移动光标时,会反复调用move方法,然后同样被传递给光标当前对应的坐标。