


美式发音: [ˈhændˌaʊt] 英式发音: [ˈhændaʊt]



复数:handouts  同义词




1.捐赠品;救济品food, money or clothes that are given to a person who is poor

2.政府拨款(为促进商业活动)money that is given to a person or an organization by the government, etc., for example to encourage commercial activity

3.传单a free document that gives information about an event or a matter of pubpc interest, or that states the views of a poptical party, etc.

4.(发给学生或参与讨论者等的)讲义,文字材料a document that is given to students in class or people attending a talk, etc. and that contains a summary of the lesson/talk, a set of exercises, etc.


n.1.an amount of money or goods given to people who need them2.a piece of paper with information on it that is given to everyone in a group, especially a class of students

1.讲义 stockbroker:n. 股票经纪人 handout:n. 讲稿;讲义 undervalue:v. 低估 ...

2.施舍物 handicap n. 残疾;障碍 handout n. 施舍物,救济品 handy a. 手边的;便于使用的 a.方便的;便于 …

3.救济品 handkerchief n. 方帕;方巾 handout n. 散发的文字材料;救济品 handwriting n. 笔 …

4.传单 miscarriage: 流产 handout: 传单 abortion: 流产 ...

5.分发 hand v. 递给 handout n. 分发 head n. 首领, 头目 ...

6.讲义和阅读资料 mark/ score/ grade 分数,成绩 handout 分发的印刷品 assignment 作业 ...


1.While some have argued a handout would be a way for China to increase its "soft power" abroad, Xie thinks such a move would backfire.尽管一些争论说救助欧市能够增强中国在国际上的“软实力”,谢国忠却认为那样只会事与愿违。

2.Let me see . . . You know this information is all in the handout which you should have received yesterday at the orientation meeting.这些都在讲义里,你应该在昨天的介绍会上那到。

3.The poorish majority will be grateful for any handout, the argument goes, and not notice how much tax they are paying.他们的论点是,贫苦的多数人民对于任何施舍都会心存感恩,而不会去在意他们支付了多少税金。

4.have moved some of the stories to their own pages with handout ideas and YW Values at the bottom to start some ideas for you!我移动了一些故事向他们自己的页以赠送品想法和YW价值在底部开始一些想法为您!

5.News of the handout came in an internal memo that first appeared on Valleywag, a blog, and was later confirmed by the company.上述消息来自于一份公司内部备忘录,它最先出现在博客Valleywag上,随后得到谷歌的证实。

6.But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index.但各州发放补助的大小并不与失控的医疗通胀挂钩,而是与更加稳定的基本物价水平挂钩。

7.They did not give out allowances, which they viewed as a parental version of a government handout.他们不给孩子补贴。在他们看来,这是家长版的政府补助。

8.The Health Ministry said the purpose of the handout was to prevent the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.卫生部称,分发避孕套是为了预防艾滋病和其他性传播疾病。

9.Still, some residents say the cash handout is preferable to the money going into a retirement fund.但部分居民说,相比这笔钱进入退休基金,派发现金还是更好。

10.We supply you with a class handout booklet at the beginning of each class.不!在每堂课开始的时候,我们提供给你讲义小册子。