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un.1.beach resort and residential area in southern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1.科帕卡巴纳《科帕卡巴纳》(Copacabana) --导演: 马克·费杜斯( Marc Fitoussi)《海洋》(Océans)--导演: 雅克·贝汉 (Jacques Perr…

2.科帕卡巴纳海滩  科帕卡巴纳海滩Copacabana)上的酒吧,摇滚乐团演奏着老歌。【1】【2】【3】【4】【5】【6】【7】【8】【9】【10】 …

3.科巴卡巴纳  科巴卡巴纳(Copacabana)是里约热内卢最大的海滩之一,柔软的沙滩、纯净的天空、蔚蓝的海洋、涌动的波浪、湿润的海风、 …

4.科帕卡瓦纳科帕卡瓦纳Copacabana)是巴西里约热内卢南区的一个街区,面积7.84 km²,人口16万。该区以4公里长的海滩著称,这是 …

5.科巴卡巴纳海滩  科巴卡巴纳海滩Copacabana)被称为世界上最有名的海滩,海岸沿线长达4.5公里,海水  嘉年华   嘉年华会起源于罗马天主教 …


7.帕加巴纳海滩下午前 往柯帕加巴纳海滩Copacabana)世界青年日活动欢迎会。 26日在历史公园Quinta da Boa Vista聆听代表5大洲的5名 …

8.卡巴那区玻利维亚最便宜的住宿是在可巴卡巴那区Copacabana),而沿着亚马逊和地区的住宿费用是最昂贵的。在玻利维亚的住宿费 …


1.Visitors who get tired of the sand and the sun can cool off in one of the many cafes , shops, and restaurants on Copacabana's main avenue .游客们在沙滩上、在日光浴下玩累了以后,可以选择科帕卡巴纳的主要街道上的许许多多的咖啡店、商店以及餐馆中的一个,到里面歇息、清爽一下。

2.Copacabana, also known as the "Princess of the Sea" , has just celebrated its one hundredth birthday and is more beautiful than ever.刚刚庆祝了它的第一百周岁生日的,以“海之公主”而闻名的科帕卡巴纳,也比以往更美丽

3.Perhaps the most famous of all beaches, Copacabana, is only a few bus stops from downtown.从最著名的海滩科帕卡巴纳乘公交去市中心仅有几站路。

4.The famous Copacabana song may have been about a New York nightclub but almost everyone has heard of this amazing beach in Rio de Janeiro.或许,那首著名的科帕卡巴纳曲早已在纽约的夜总会里传唱,但肯定几乎人人都听过里约热内卢的这片美丽沙滩。

5.One of the most beautiful New Year's Eve celebrations takes place on Copacabana, a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.最美丽的除夕夜庆典之一,在巴西里约热内卢一个名叫科巴卡巴娜的海滩举行。

6.They made up copies at home and then - all together for safety - wore them down to the beach at Copacabana.接着她们一起在家中照着照片进行仿制,安全起见她们穿着自制的比基尼下到了科帕卡巴纳海滩。

7.Popce estimated that close to 30, 000 cariocas, as residents of Rio are known flooded onto Copacabana beach to celebrate Brazil's win.警方估计,有近30000的里约热内卢人,即里约的居民,他们蜂拥到科帕卡巴纳海滩庆祝巴西的胜利。

8.Hins sells her baked goods to businesses and restaurants in neighboring Copacabana.Hins把她烘烤的面包出售给附近科帕卡巴纳餐厅和商业区企业。

9.Perhaps the most famous of all beaches, Copacabana.或许所有海滩中最著名的科帕卡巴纳。

10.I love the Copacabana Hotel, because of how traditional it is and how beautiful it is, you really feel pke you are in another era.我喜欢Copacabana酒店,因为它非常传统也非常美丽,你真的觉得你生活在另一个时代。