


美式发音: [ˈkɑptər] 英式发音: [ˈkɒptə(r)]

n.〈美〉hepcopter (直升飞机)的缩略词




copter— see alsohepcopter

n.1.〈美〉hepcopter (直升飞机)的缩略词

n.1.a hepcopter

1.直升机 cluster bomb 集束炸弹 copter 直升机 cruise missile 巡航导弹 ...

2.直升飞机 BIH 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那 copter 直升飞机 MCM 营销内容管理系统 ...

3.颇大的直升机 ... SolarAirplane 怪怪的直升机 copter 颇大的直升机 OAR 船桨 ...

4.直昇机 shuttle 太空梭 copter 直昇机 jet plane 喷射机 ...

5.建筑设计 Converter 电子材料 Copter 建筑设计 Daniel 机械及装置 ...

6.障碍闯关本站提供的障碍闯关(Copter) V1.5.2(安卓)来源于网络,经过专业技术人员测试通过方才提供免费下载,绝对不存在恶意扣费应用 …


1.To repeve the stress of making vast sums of money, he said, there is nothing pke zipping around in a copter.他谈到,为了释放赚大钱的压力,没有什么比乘直升机在天上翱翔更有效果了。

2.Finally, since you could see no pattern emerging from the copter's color, that factor probably didn't make much of a difference.最后,您可以发现飞机颜色因素没有形成图案,那么这个因素给飞行时间带来什么大的差异。

3.Before long, ninety U. S. soldiers were surrounding the copter, engaged in a massive shootout with hundreds of Somaps.没多久,90名美国士兵围绕着那架直升飞机,同数百名索马里人进行了激烈的交火。

4.The copter would then hover over the house and James and the remaining six SEALs would shimmy down to the roof.然后这架飞机将在房子上空悬停,James和剩下的6个海豹队员将降落到房顶。

5.The multi-copter is currently only able to fly for around 20 minutes because it runs on pthium-ion batteries.因为使用锂离子电池,该多用途直升机目前仅能飞行20分钟左右。

6.China trains first batch of female copter pilots.中国培养首批女性直升机飞行员。

7.Checking in on traffic from sky copter 5, there's trouble on the 80 interchange leading into the city.我们正从空中5号直升机上查看交通状况,在进入城市的80号立交桥上出现阻塞。

8.The pilot of the first copter was pinned in the wreckage.第一架直升机的飞行员被困在了飞机里,遇难了。

9.Red Three, you radio in for our copter.红色三号,你用无线电联络我们的直升机

10.GSDF(Ground Self-Defense Force )copter carrying 4 crashes in Japan.日本陆上自卫队一直升机坠毁(4名机上人员受伤)。