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复数:pranks  同义词

n.trick,practical joke,hoax,joke,lark


v.1.把...打扮漂亮,盛装 (up)2.装饰3.打扮得漂漂亮亮


n.1.a silly trick that you play on someone to surprise them

1.恶作剧 origins 由来,起源 pranks 恶作剧,鬼把戏 practical jokes 恶作剧 ...

2.鬼把戏 origins 由来,起源 pranks 恶作剧,鬼把戏 practical jokes 恶作剧 ...

3.开玩笑 disputed disputedv. 争议 pranks n. 胡闹, 开玩笑, 恶作剧 lapsed adj. 流失的, 堕落的 ...

4.胡闹 disputed disputedv. 争议 pranks n. 胡闹, 开玩笑, 恶作剧 lapsed adj. 流失的, 堕落的 ...

5.戏谑音乐 ... "Death Metal" 死亡金属" "Pranks" 戏谑音乐" "Soundtrack" 声道" ...

6.潘贤伟 ... ericoniu 牛国华 pranks 潘贤伟 Neo 1人 ...


1.He was the biggest kid in the class, but he was the timid type, the kind of kid who'd always end up the target of pranks and insults.他的体格虽然是全班最宏伟壮硕,个性却非常胆小畏缩,是那种很容易招惹好事者半开玩笑欺负他的类型。

2.A statement on the ministry's Web site said the pranks had been disruptive to the officials' work, urging that they stop.中国科学技术部在网站发表一项声明,表示这些留言干扰官员工作,呼吁他们停止继续恶作剧。

3.He makes Vidya stay in Sagar's room and so Bharat and Sagar try to pull pranks on Vidya to get her to leave.他让维迪亚留在Sagar的房等巴拉特和萨加尔尝试拉维迪亚恶作剧让她离开。

4.You always lecture me pke you're my grandfather or something. But I'm not the pttle brat who used to pull pranks all the time!你总是像我祖父似的给我说教。但是我已经不是那个总是做恶作剧的乳臭未干的小孩了!

5.order to take part in that important party, she pranks herself up in her best tonight, unexpectedly, the party is just a prank.为了参加今晚的重要晚会,她穿上了最漂亮的衣服,把自己打扮的漂漂亮亮的;谁料,那聚会只是一个恶作剧。

6.He never played pranks, but his eyes showed that he was naughty.他从来不恶作剧,但是你从他的眼中能看出他很淘气。

7.Ron and Ginny are at home, and no doubt hear all about all the pranks Fred and George make.罗恩和金妮在家,无疑听说了弗莱德和乔治搞的所有小捣蛋。

8.Then we'd throw big wine parties and have girls and end up jumping out of windows and playing Joe College pranks all up and down town.当时我们参于大量有女生出席用落荒而逃作终结的喝酒派对,又在城中各处闹着典型大学男生的恶作剧。

9.However, partying, trick-or-treating, and pranks are not the only things that people enjoy doing on Halloween.然而,聚会、不给糖就捣蛋和恶作剧不全是人们在万圣节只爱做的事情。

10.Sometimes we would play pranks on the teacher, pke hiding a bug in her textbook or drawing a turtle on her seat.偶尔,我们会想法气气老师:把老师的课本里加一个小虫子,或在她的座位上画个小乌龟。