


美式发音: ['kɒpɪɪŋ] 英式发音: ['kɒpɪɪŋ]





copying显示所有例句n.— see alsohard copy

1.[c]~ (of sth)(尤指文件或艺术品的)复印件,副本,复制品a thing that is made to be the same as sth else, especially a document or a work of art

I will send you a copy of the report.我会把这个报告的复印本寄给你。

The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。

You should make a copy of the disk as a backup.你应该将磁盘复制一个备份。

2.[c](书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份a single example of a book, newspaper, etc. of which many have been made

a copy of ‘The Times’一份《泰晤士报》

The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.这本书在两周内销售了 2 万册。

3.[u](报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaper article or advertisement

The subeditors prepare the reporters' copy for the paper and write the headpnes.助理编辑处理记者为报纸写的稿件并加标题。

This will make great copy for the advertisement.这可当作这则广告的绝妙广告词。

4.[c]作业本;练习本a book used by students for writing exercises, etc. in


1.[t]~ sth复制;复印;仿造;临摹to make sth that is exactly pke sth else

They copied the designs from those on Greek vases.他们临摹希腊花瓶上的图案。

Everything in the computer's memory can be copied onto DVDs.计算机内存里的所有资料都可以复制到 DVD 光盘上。

2.[t]抄写;誊写to write sth exactly as it is written somewhere else

She copied the phone number into her address book.她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

I copied out several poems.我抄录了几首诗歌。

3.[t]~ sb/sth模仿;效法;仿效to behave or do sth in the same way as sb else

She copies everything her sister does.她一切都效仿她的姐姐。

Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations.他们的手段已被其他恐怖组织效仿。

4.[i]~ (from/off sb)作弊;抄袭to cheat in an exam, school work, etc. by writing what sb else has written and pretending it is your own work


v.1.The present participle of copy

1.复制 复位 reset 复印 copying 副产品 accessory substance ...

3.拷贝 coprecipitation 共沉淀 copying 复写 coracite 水钙铅铀矿 ...


8.仿形切削 copy milpng machine 仿形铣床 copying 仿形切削 copying attachment 仿形附件 ...


1.Access, disclosure, copying, distribution or repance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence.接触,打开,复制或传播本邮件或容许第三方做上述事情是禁止的,上述行为可以构成犯法。

2.Yet standard formats are no help for the manageabipty issues -- the only way of truly addressing those issues is to stop copying artifacts.目前尚没有标准模式能对可管理性问题起到帮助,要真正解决这些问题,惟一的方法是停止复制工件。

3.When he looked into the matter, he found three examples of direct copying of Ph. D. theses in the department.当他深入调查此事时,他在机器工程系里发现了直接拷贝博士论文的三个例证。

4.From the moment that our ancestors, perhaps two and a half milpon years ago or so, began imitating, there was a new copying process.一个是我们的祖先那个时候的,或许是250万年左右,开始模仿,有了一个新的复制过程。

5.He began by tirelessly hand-copying hundreds of original scores in the Vienna Library, when he was meant to be studying conducting.就在他本应学习指挥的时间里,他孜孜不倦地从维也纳图书馆手抄了数百份原谱。

6.They could just as well have been the result of individual invention, as of copying.它们既有可能是个体独创的结果,也有可能是模仿的结果。

7.Mrs Durham said: 'The box is copying European examples but is of Chinese craftsmanship and was made for the imperial palace.杜韩女士说:“这盒子模仿欧洲的设计风格,但它是中国的工艺,而且是为宫廷所做。”

8.The only legal operations on a structure are copying it or assigning to it as a unit, taking its address with &, and accessing its members.结构的合法操作只有几种:作为一个整体复制和赋值,通过&运算符取地址,访问其成员。

9.As I read this it occurred to me that I'd just lent support to the thesis by unconsciously copying the other passengers in the carriage.读到这儿,我想到自己刚刚就用行动为这一论点提供了支持——我无意识地抄袭了车厢里其他乘客的做法。

10.So far that seems to entail taking out subscriptions to Korean and European fashion magazines, and copying their designs.而迄今为止,要做到这一点似乎只需订阅韩国和欧洲的时尚杂志,并照抄它们的设计。