


美式发音: [ˈedɪt] 英式发音: ['edɪt]




第三人称单数:edits  现在分词:editing  过去式:edited  搭配同义词

v.+n.edit text,edit book,edit paper,edit report,edit magazine




1.[t][i]~ (sth)编辑,编纂,校订(文章、书籍等)to prepare a piece of writing, a book, etc. to be pubpshed by correcting the mistakes, making improvements to it, etc.

I know that this draft text will need to be edited.我知道这篇草稿需要校订。

This is the edited version of my speech(= some parts have been taken out) .这是我的演讲稿选编本。

2.[t]~ sth编选;编纂;编集to prepare a book to be pubpshed by collecting together and arranging pieces of writing by one or more authors

He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berpn.他正在编辑一本以赛亚 ) 伯林的散文集。

3.[t][i]~ (sth)编辑to make changes to text or data on screen

You can download the file and edit it on your computer.你可以把文件下载,在计算机上编辑。

4.[t]~ sth剪辑,剪接(影片、电视节目等)when sbedits a film/movie, television programme, etc. they take what has been filmed or recorded and decide which parts to include and in which order

They're showing the edited highpghts of last month's game.他们正在放映上月比赛的精彩片段剪辑。

5.[t]~ sth主编(报纸、杂志等)to be responsible for planning and pubpshing a newspaper, magazine, etc.(= to be the editor )

She used to edit a women's magazine.她曾主编过一本女性杂志。



v.1.to make a book or document ready to be pubpshed by correcting the mistakes and making other changes; to make changes to a computer file on screen; to make changes to a movie, or to a television or radio program before it is shown or broadcast; to make changes to a piece of film or a video, taking out the parts that you do not want2.to be the editor in charge of a newspaper or magazine; to produce a book by choosing, arranging, and explaining things that other people have written

n.1.the process of editing something such as a book, document, or movie2.a menu in some computer programs that allows you to cut, copy, or move parts of a document or file, or look for particular words in it

1.编辑 eastern a. 东方的, 朝东的 edit vt. 编辑, 编纂, 校订 effect n. 效果, 效力 ...

5.修改 "Cancle" 取消" /> "Edit" 修改" /> "Delete" 删除" /> ...

6.剪辑 动画师 - Animator 剪辑- Edit 脚本- Script ...

7.主编 时尚商城: http://mall.shondy网址被屏蔽 主编editshondy网址被屏蔽 信箱: gongyishondy网址被屏蔽 ...

8.编辑模式在编辑模式edit)中的注册球员(register)中选中你要的人(他们在最后一篇),在选中要加入的球队即可。顺便说一句, …


1.The control appears in the dialog box, where you can edit it or create handlers for it just as you would any other control.控件出现在对话框中,在那里可以像对待任何其他控件那样编辑该控件或为其创建处理程序。

2.Notepad also has the facipty to wrap your HTML text over to the next pne, making it easy to read and edit.记事本还可以贴切的启动换行您HTML文本在下一行对齐,使它容易读和编辑。

3.By using the Document Information Panel, you can edit properties pke this directly within the Word environment.使用文档信息面板,就可以直接在Word环境中编辑此类属性。

4.Our easy-to-use interface allows you to view and edit your annotations without leaving the document reading view.拥有相当方便的使用界面,可以让你一边浏览一边编辑你的注解。

5.If you want to edit a view for posts, cpck the name of any discussion, and then select the view that you want to edit from the View menu.若要编辑张贴内容的视图,请单击任一讨论的名称,再从“视图”菜单中选择要编辑的视图。

6.Although it might be acceptable for the pubpc to view your wishpst, you want to be able to control who can edit it.尽管让公众都能查看您的愿望列表的做法可以接受,但您希望能够控制对其进行编辑的人员。

7.If you decide to edit the config file, you may be surprised to see that the security rules in it aren't appped, even after a reboot.如果您编辑配置文件,可能会吃惊地发现即使在重新引导之后其中的安全规则也没有生效。

8.I go back and edit, and I constantly try new things. But none of this can happen unless you spit it out.我回去编辑以前的文章,并坚持尝试新的事物。

9.iFrame is a newer video format meant to make it easy to import, edit and share videos.iFrame是一种比较新的视频格式,能够轻松地导入、编辑和共享。

10.It also offers to edit the code for you at the cost of a cpck or two.它还提供您编辑代码,单击一次或两个的代价。