


美式发音: [ˈkɔrɡi] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)ɡi]






1.柯吉犬(短腿尖鼻)a small dog with short legs and a pointed nose


n.1.a small dog with short legs and pointed ears

1.柯基犬 Conrad( 康莱德) CORGI( 狗仔) CreativeMaster( 创英) ...

4.威尔士矮脚狗 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 Corgi 威尔士矮脚狗 Spaniel 猎鹬犬 ...

5.克柯基 恐龙 Dinosaur 克柯基 Corgi 约克夏 Terrier ...


1.Although my Corgi that's lying at my feet right now thinks that would be the best thing that ever happened to her.尽管如此,此刻卧在我脚边的Corgi还是会认为,最美好的事情有时会发生在它的身上。

2.The second photo shows a red Pembroke Welsh Corgi as a whitely. A whitely is a very serious color fault for the show ring.呈白色的PWC,在比赛上这种呈白色是一个十分严重的错误。

3.He might only have been five but it made me want to dash out and buy a Queen's Guard corgi T-shirt right there and then.他可能只有五岁,但这也叫我想冲出酒店,立时立刻去买一件印有女王的守卫犬,威尔斯柯基犬的T恤衫。

4.spghtly bow-legged variety of corgi having rounded ears and a long tail.腿有些弯的考杰狗变种,圆耳朵、长尾巴。

5.There are even patterns for the Archbishop of Canterbury and for the Royal pet, the Queen's pttle Corgi.甚至还有坎特伯雷大主教和皇家宠物-女王的小狗的图案。

6.This photo depicts a champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi male which clearly depicts the sable and white color.这张图片是一只PWC冠军公犬,它有明显的貂色和白色。

7.This depicts a Pembroke Welsh Corgi with heavy but acceptable white markings.它有太多的白色斑纹但还可以接受。

8.I sure do. As a matter of fact, I have a corgi at home.当然喜欢!事实上,我家里有一只威尔斯柯基犬呢。

9.Pet dog - Pembroke Welsh Corgi宠物狗-威尔士柯基犬图片

10.PWCC Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club (Florida)彭布罗克威尔士科基犬俱乐部(佛罗里达州)