


美式发音: [ˈkɔrnˌkɑb] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)nˌkɒb]






1.玉米芯;玉米穗轴the long hard part of the maize ( corn ) plant that the rows of yellow grains grow on


n.1.the long hard part at the top of a corn plant, on which large yellow seeds grow

1.玉米芯 碳化硅 Carborundu.. 玉米芯 Corncob 核桃壳 Walnut she.. ...

2.玉米棒子 corncleaner 玉米清选机 corncob 玉米棒子 corncobgrits 玉米棒屑 ...

3.玉米芯粉 corncake 玉米饼 corncob 玉米的穗轴 corncrake 秧鸡 ...

6.玉米穗轴 corncake 玉米饼 corncob 玉米芯, 玉米穗轴 cornflower 矢车菊 ...


1.Frosty the Snowman was a jolly, happy soul, With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.雪人佛斯弟是个快乐的家伙,叼着玉米做的烟斗,还有个钮扣鼻和双煤块眼睛。

2.He made a harmonica out of the corncob.他把玉米棒子弄得象口琴一样。

3.His tail was as big as a wet corncob and every hair on his small body was sticking straight up.它的尾巴蓬得像个玉米穗,瘦小的身体上每一根毛都炸了起来。

4.With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal.雪人佛斯弟是个快乐的家伙,叼著玉米做的烟斗,还有个钮扣鼻和双煤块眼睛。

5.After microwave pretreatment, corncob modified by succinic anhydride was prepared for a novel water treatment agent.利用丁二酸酐对经微波预处理的玉米芯进行改性,制备了一种新型的水处理剂。

6.When corncob was used as the biofilm carrier, the removal rate of spghtly-polluted water was improved.在处理效果方面,当采用玉米芯作为生物膜载体时,各污染物的平均去除率均得到不同程度的提高。

7.Production of Extracellular Polysaccharide from Hydrolysis of Corncob by Pseudomonas sp.利用玉米芯酸解液生产假单胞菌胞外多糖的研究。

8.The corncob dietary fiber cost inexpensive, the craft simple, the flavor is unique, has the giant market potential and the superiority.玉米芯膳食纤维成本低廉、工艺简便、风味独特,具有巨大的市场潜力和优势。

9.A research was done on the cultivating of mushroom with EM bacteria fermented corncob.通过用EM菌处理玉米芯培养料进行发酵料栽培平菇试验研究。

10.In fact, the white poplar and corncob are ideal bedding materials.认为杨木和玉米芯是比较理想的木材垫料原料。