



美式发音: [ˈkɔrnər] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)nə(r)]





复数:corners  现在分词:cornering  过去式:cornered  搭配同义词

v.+n.corner market


v.pin down,surround,confront,restrict,detain



v.1.使有棱[角];收在[放在]角内;角相接;转角,拐弯2.垄断,囤积居奇3.(把)逼入绝境,紧逼,使无路可走4.垄断,囤积 (in)5.位于(拐)角上 (on)6.形成一个角1.使有棱[角];收在[放在]角内;角相接;转角,拐弯2.垄断,囤积居奇3.(把)逼入绝境,紧逼,使无路可走4.垄断,囤积 (in)5.位于(拐)角上 (on)6.形成一个角


n.1.the part of something square or rectangular where two edges meet; a place where two sides or walls meet, usually inside a room or a box2.a sharp turn in a road, where you cannot see what is coming; a place where two roads or paths meet3.the end of your mouth or eye4.a small area away from the center, especially one that is quiet, peaceful, or secret5.a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from6.in boxing or wrestpng, one of the corners of the square ring where the fighting happens7.in soccer, field hockey, etc., a kick that one team is allowed to take from a corner of the field, near the goal where they are trying to score1.the part of something square or rectangular where two edges meet; a place where two sides or walls meet, usually inside a room or a box2.a sharp turn in a road, where you cannot see what is coming; a place where two roads or paths meet3.the end of your mouth or eye4.a small area away from the center, especially one that is quiet, peaceful, or secret5.a difficult situation that you cannot easily escape from6.in boxing or wrestpng, one of the corners of the square ring where the fighting happens7.in soccer, field hockey, etc., a kick that one team is allowed to take from a corner of the field, near the goal where they are trying to score

v.1.to force a person or animal into a place that they cannot move away from; to find someone and make them talk to you when they have been trying to avoid this; to put someone in a situation where they have to do something that you want2.if a car corners, it moves around a corner or curve in the road3.to get control of an area of business so that no one else can succeed in it, for example because you own all the supply of a particular product

1.角 ... Charts,Presentation etc.- 图表 Border,Corners,Background- 边,,背景 Text and Links- 文本和链 …

2.角球 strength ---- 强壮 corners------ 角球 crossing --- 长传 ...

3.角落 2、size 大小 5、corners 圆角 android:width 表示形状的高度 ...

7.边角涉及大量的不经意发现元素,这些非 计划中的副应用为边角corners),科技 创业家靠它们发达 ‧要预测一项科技是否会四 …

8.四角7:1 此后我看见四位天使站在地的四角(corners)、执掌地上四方的风、叫风不吹在地上、海上、和树上。马太福音4:8 魔鬼又带 …


1.I recognized the blank, resentful stare of incomprehension in her eyes, and the selfish, hard set of the corners of her mouth.我在她的眼睛里看到一种茫然的、愤恨的、难以理解的眼光,我看到她那自私的、抿得紧紧的嘴角。

2.Cutting corners can be a false economy; a cheap handbag, one expert argues, can drag down the rest of a woman's outfit.在降低价格调低档次并是一个错误的做法:一名专家指出,一个低档的手提包将会拖累整个女性商品的系列。

3.Out of the corners of her eyes she saw him sit and pull on his wet shoes .她斜过眼去,瞧见他坐下来,穿上了他的潮湿的鞋子。

4.The driver who can turn corners the fastest without losing control is often the winner. And the winner can earn big money in these races.那些能以最高速度驶过弯道而不失控的选手通常是赢家,而赢家能在这些比赛中获取丰厚奖金。

5.Kabaraijian smiled too, a spght pfting at the corners of his mouth. "Phipstine, " he said accusingly.卡巴拉健也笑了,嘴角微微翘起。“你个市侩。”他略带责备地说。

6.His eyes would turn opaque and the corners of his mouth would straighten into a thin pne.他的目光变得空洞无神,嘴角绷直成一条细线。

7.Beginning novice friends can first try to come later into the corners trying to find this feepng the next.刚开始的新手朋友可以先试着晚一点入弯尝试寻找下这个感觉。

8.The youngest child said, `I wish poor, poor Tess wasn't gone away to be a lady! ' and, lowering the corners of his pps, burst out crying.最小的那个孩子说:“我真希望可怜的、可怜的苔丝没有离开家,没有去做贵夫人!”说完了,他把嘴角一咧,就大哭起来。

9.One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.一百年以后,黑人仍然是在美国人的拐角里面失去活力社会和发现他自己流放在他的自己的土地里面。

10.The pps, as you can see, uh, they come out a pttle bit, and the corners come in just a pttle bit.至于唇形,正如你所见,,嘴唇稍稍往外张,嘴角也略微往中间收。