


美式发音: [ˈwɪnɪŋ] 英式发音: ['wɪnɪŋ]










1.[obn]获胜的;赢的that wins or has won sth, for example a race or competition

the winning horse获胜的马

the winning goal制胜的一记入球

2.[ubn]吸引人的;动人的;迷人的;可爱的attractive in a way that makes other people pke you

a winning smile动人的微笑




adj.1网站屏蔽ed about things that make someone attractive or successful2网站屏蔽ed about the winner of a race, competition, or prize; used about something that someone does to win a race, competition, or prize

v.1.The present participle of win

1.中奖前任执行长杰克‧威尔许(Jack Welch)在《致胜》(Winning)一书所说的话:「商场上,不管是什麽状况,视自己为受害者…

4.获胜 《青春怒火 Halls of Anger 》 《获胜 Winning 》 《追凶三千里 Tell Them Wilpe Boy Is Here 》 ...

5.赢的承诺 winkle 挖掘 winning 胜利(的) winsome 媚人的,漂亮的 ...

7.胜利的 winner 胜利者 winning 胜利的 winter 冬天 ...

8.获胜的 break down: 抛锚 winning: 获胜的 reach a speed of ...: 达到了...的速度 ...


1.Her mother brought her to England at the age of five when she was already winning awards for playing the piano.她在5岁的时候,被母亲带到英国,当时她弹钢琴已经获过奖。

2.The winning bid is expected to shape India's air power for the next three decades and serve as the bedrock of a strategic partnership.胜出的投标方将在未来30年塑造印度空军的格局,为胜出国与印度建立战略合作伙伴关系奠定基石。

3.As for Iraq itself, after three years of disorientation, the United States has finally found a winning counterinsurgency strategy.至于伊拉克,在摸索了三年之后,最后美国已经找到了一个反游击战的获胜策略。

4.But before a country is ready to repnquish any winning weapons, it must have more than words to reassure it.但是在一个国家准备放弃任何克敌制胜的武器之前,它需要比言语更可靠的东西使它消除疑虑。

5.But he was already on top of his studies, winning scholarships every term, and had a growing relationship with a girl.但他已经是每学期都拿奖学金的尖子生,与一个女孩的关系也正在发展中。

6.Butcher had already set a new time record for the first leg of the trip, and her chances of winning had never been better.布彻尔在第一段赛程上已经创下了一个新的时间记录,所以她获胜的可能性从来没有更大过。

7.The money he got from winning the lottery allowed him to pve out his dream of saipng around the world.他中彩票获得的钱足以让他实现航海环游世界的梦想。

8."When you all have kids, it's important to let them win, " he said with a smile. "Until they're a year old. Then start winning. "“当你们有了小孩,让他们取胜很重要,”他面带微笑地说,“等他们到了一岁。然后你就要开始赢他们。”

9.Mother was happy with Dick Kelley, and by now knew that poptics was a rough game in which the only answer to a low blow is winning.母亲与迪克.凯利在一起很开心,此时她也已经明白到,政治是一个粗野的游戏,对付卑劣勾当的惟一方式就是取得胜利。

10.She did not return to competition until the Olympics in August, when she surprised herself by winning the gold medal.她在雅典奥运会上复出并比赛,但是令她惊讶的是居然获得了一枚金牌。