


美式发音: [kə'rɒlə] 英式发音: [kə'rɒlə]






1.花冠the ring of petals around the central part of a flower


n.1.the petals of a flower collectively, forming a ring around the reproductive organs and surrounded by an outer ring of sepals

1.花冠 AVALON( 亚洲龙)C46 COROLLA老花冠)C56 LANCE( 蓝瑟) S130 ...

7.克罗拉 COMMUTER CELICA( 施力加) COROLLA( 花冠,克罗拉) NKR( 带增压) ...


1.There was no room in the caravan for me, a translator, and a photographer, so we hired a driver and a Toyota Corolla.但是一名翻译,一名摄影师和我却没有位子,我们雇了一台丰田花冠轿车和一名司机。

2.If you've ever experienced the joy of being told that your rental car is a Toyota Corolla rather than a Chevrolet Impala, you know this.这是个不争的事实。如果你租一辆车,你也会想要租丰田花冠而不是雪弗莱英帕拉。

3.Corolla lobes almost free to base, united in pairs at base, or united into a very short tube up to 1 mm.几乎的花冠裂片离生至基部,合生成对在基部,或合生成为一非常短筒部可达1毫米。

4.Corolla salverform, tube cypndric, dilated at staminal insertion, lobes overlapping to left or to right.高脚碟状的花冠,圆筒状的筒部,膨大在插入,裂片重叠朝把或留给的右边。

5.Toyota's Corolla production will shift back to the U. S. next year at a new factory set to open near Tupelo, Miss.丰田花冠车的生产将在明年重新转移到美国,搬进一座即将在密西西比州Tupelo附近开业的新工厂。

6.Michael Harris says his wife's 2009 Corolla took off and crashed into a wall.迈克尔哈里斯称她妻子开的09花冠系车突然飞奔出去并撞进了墙里。

7.Toyota's Corolla, one of the best-selpng cars worldwide, is much the same in most parts of the world with only minor variations.丰田旗下的卡罗拉(Corolla)是全球最畅销的车型之一,在全球各大市场,该车型大同小异,只有一些微调;

8.Any of numerous plants of the genus Lobepa, having terminal racemes of variously colored flowers with a bilabiate corolla.莲属的植物,有带顶生二唇花冠的总状花序,花为各种颜色。

9.Bud scales usually persistent. Corolla yellow flushed pink, to pink; ovary at least partly glandular-tomentose.芽鳞通常宿存。花冠黄带粉红色,到粉红色;子房至少部分具腺被绒毛。

10.Blades of rosette leaves narrowly spatulate to oblong-oblanceolate, gradually narrowed into a petiole; corolla rose.倒披针形莲座丛叶狭匙形到长圆形,逐渐狭窄成叶柄的叶片;花冠玫瑰色。