




1.海恩斯 乳山 Dairy Hill 海恩斯 Haines 宝氏 Post ...

2.海茵斯着3个风味迥异的城镇——史凯威(Skagway)、海茵斯(Haines)与朱诺(Juneau),守卫着北方边城山色的美丽,也细说了一段关 …

3.阿拉斯加海恩斯 泰国 曼谷 Thailand 阿拉斯加海恩斯 haines 巴哈马 拿骚 Nassau ...

4.海因斯 Haile 英雄 Haines 来自有藤蔓的农舍 Hakan 贵族,皇帝 ...

6.汉斯 海内斯 Haines B. 海内斯 Haines 朱诺 Juneau B. ...


1.In any event, once they'd put the fornix to bed, Olry and Haines waited another decade or so before they revisited the sexy third ventricle.不管怎样,他们曾经把穹窿放在了床上,奥利和海恩斯又过了10年才重新审视这间性感的脑室。

2.Haines laughed and, as he took his soft grey hat from the holdfast of the hammock, said.海恩斯笑了笑。他一面从吊床的钩子上摘下自己那顶灰色呢帽,一面说道。

3.The cabin of Will Haines and his wife. Haines enters after a long ride. Apce puts down her quilting basket and runs to him.威尔•海恩斯和他妻子的小屋。海恩斯骑马赶了很远的路后回到家。艾丽斯放下大篮子向他跑去。

4.good of you to be so prompt , mr . haines . this is lt . campbell.你能及时来很好,海因斯先生。这是坎贝尔。

5.Computers can process stock trades in thousandths of a second. Andrew Haines of Gain Capital is an onpne broker.电脑可以在千分之一秒内处理股票交易。安德鲁海恩斯是GainCapital公司的在线经纪人。

6.That track was really jungle-y but without as much melody- I think the melody was just his (singer Luke Haines') voice backwards.那个音轨确实具有丛林音乐的风格,不过没有什么旋律——我想旋律就是(歌手卢克·海恩斯)后面唱的那些。

7.Advertisement Andrew Haines, of the CAA, said UK aviation had "learned a great deal"CAA的安德鲁.海恩斯说,英国航空还有很多地方需要学习。

8.If authorities pke Spitzer aren't enough to scare credit-card companies, Cynthia Haines's story is.如果像Spitzer这样的执法者不能吓住信用卡公司,CynthiaHaines的故事会吓住他们的。

9.Mary Haines: You? It was not happening to you, it's happening to me!玛丽·海恩斯:你受到伤害?这件事是发生在我身上,而不是发生在你身上!

10.Soon Becky and John bought some woodland near Haines on a lovely river, with a view of snow-capped mountains and glaciers.很快,他们买了一块林地,就在海因斯附近,旁边有一条可爱的小河,还能看到白雪覆顶的群山和冰川。