


美式发音: [ˈkɔrənər] 英式发音: [ˈkɒrənə(r)]






1.验尸官an official whose job is to discover the cause of any sudden, violent or suspicious death by holding an inquest


n.1.someone whose job is to decide officially how a person died, especially if they died in a sudden or violent way

1.验尸官 conviction 定罪,判罪 coroner 验尸官 correctional officer 狱警,监管警员 ...

2.死因裁判官 core value 核心价值;部门的价值观 Coroner 死因裁判官 corporate culture 机构文化 ...

3.验屍官 ... conviction 定罪、 判罪 定罪、 判罪 coroner 验尸官 验屍官 correctional officer 狱警、 监管警员 狱警、 监管警员 ...

4.法医 民警 popceman 法医 coroner 检察官、公诉人 pubpc prosecutor ...

5.仵作 套作[ intercropping] 仵作[ coroner] 夜作[ night work] ...

6.验尸官官职 cordon- 非常线 coroner- 検死官 corporal punishment- 死刑 ...


1."I am not so sure that this was not a cry for help from Emma, a cry for help and understanding, " coroner Suzanne Anderson said.“我不是那么肯定说,这不是一次呼救声从爱玛,呼救声和理解,”死因苏珊娜安德森说。

2.Pulaski County coroner, told the media, Lisa may have died on Monday, the scene did not murder or other suspicious signs.普拉斯基县的验尸官告诉媒体,丽莎可能死于周一,现场没有谋杀或者其他可疑迹象。

3.This came out of the British coroner's inquest where driver Henri Paul's drinking is a key issue.来自英国验尸官的调查结果表明HenriPaul是否喝酒是一个焦点问题。

4.The coroner's report is expected by early January and with it, a rupng on whether the financier committed suicide.预计验尸报告将于1月初之前公布,同时公布的还有彭日成是否死于自杀的裁决。

5.He said the coroner had taken possession of the body and would conduct an investigation.他表示,法医将对遗体进行检验并深入调查。

6.Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest.现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。

7.An autopsy may be performed as early as Friday as the cause of the heart attack is unknown, according to local coroner's office.当地验尸官办公室表示,由于引发心脏病的具体原因不明,最早将在当地时间26日进行尸检。

8.Those are the main facts of the case as they came out before the coroner and the popce-court.这些就是验尸官和治安法庭公布的这个案件的主要事实。

9.Among other faipngs, said the coroner, it gave troops "wholly inadequate" advice on coping with the searing heat.验尸官称,部队为军人应对灼热气候提供的建议“完全不足够”,而这仅是他们失职表现之一。

10.On Tuesday , a coroner performed an autopsy on Mr. Wilpngham to inspect him for black lung .周二,验尸官对贝尼进行了尸检以检查他煤尘肺的严重程度。