


美式发音: [ˈkɔrp(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)p(ə)rəl]







1.(陆军、海军陆战队或英国空军的)下士a member of one of the lower ranks in the army, the marines or the British air force

Corporal Smith史密斯下士



n.1.a noncommissioned officer of low rank in the miptary

adj.1.relating to your body

1.下士 rascal 恶棍,歹徒 corporal 班长,下士 arrival 到达者 ...

2.肉体的 corporate a 共同的;团体的 corporal a 肉体的 corporeal a 有形的;物质的 ...

3.班长 rascal 恶棍,歹徒 corporal 班长,下士 arrival 到达者 ...

4.伍长 ... Sergeant 军曹 Corporal 伍长 Private First Class 一等兵 ...

5.空军下士 空军中士----- Staff Sergeant 空军下士- ----Corporal 空军上等兵- --Airman,First Class ...

6.下士一级 ... Speciapst 技术军士一级 Corporal 下士一级 Sergeant 中士一级 ...

7.上等兵 Sergeant 下士 Corporal 上等兵 Private,First Class 列兵 ...

8.身体的 cornet 短号;圆锥形蛋卷 corporal 肉体的,身体的 corpulent 肥胖的 ...


1.The rider quietly mounted his horse, went to the corporal and said, "The next time your men need help, send for the Commander-in-Chief. "骑马人平静地上了马,(骑马)走到下士旁边,说:“下次你的士兵需要帮忙的时候,请派人去找总司令。”

2.The headmaster and teacher skirmish for a term over the question of corporal punishment.校长和教师为体罚的问题争论了一学期。

3.He said he had also been trying to fix a deal with Hamas over a prisoner exchange, including freedom for a kidnapped Israep corporal.他说他也在试图与哈马斯在交换囚犯上达成协议,其中包括帮助一名遭绑架的以色列下士获释。

4.On one body, that of a corporal, he found a powder-flask.在一具尸首---是个排长---的身上,他找到一个打猎用的火药瓶。

5.Back in the dark ages some schoolteachers used to say this to the children in their care before administering corporal punishment.过去在黑暗时代,老师们在体罚孩子之前总是这样说。

6.The corporal seems to have it in for me; that's the third time he's put me on a charge this month.那位下士似乎总是想与我过不去,本月他已第三次对我提出控告。

7.Canada bans corporal punishment for children under two and over twelve years of age, as well as the use of any objects such as a paddle.加拿大禁止体罚两岁以下和十二岁以上的孩子,并且禁止使用实物殴打孩子。

8.flexible thong or lash attached to a handle, used for driving animals or administering corporal punishment.鞭子一种用具,一个富有弹性的棍棒或是弹性好的系于一个手柄的皮带,用以驱赶动物或进行身体。

9.Corporal out of the camp, to a building threw a grenade, no one was inside the building.下士走出营地,向一所建筑内投掷一枚手榴弹,建筑内当时没有人。

10.Macbeth Into the air. And what seemed corporal melted, as breath into the wind.蒸发了。好像是身体融化了跟着气息到了风中一般。