




1.企业文化 企业价值观: Corporation Value 企业文化Corporation Culture 我们的宗旨 Our Vision: ...

2.企业文化一词 ... CORPORATION CULTURE 企业理念: End Only With Customer’s Satisfaction 如 …


1.Finally, the new strategy could be executed through the organization, control systems, corporation culture.最后通过组织机构、控制系统、组织文化来实施湾仔码头新战略。

2.We are devoting all the time to the construction of an excellent team with rich artistic appeal and integrating corporation culture.我们始终致力于构建一个艺术气息浓厚、融汇企业文化的优秀团队。

3.The core of our corporation culture is "faith, cooperation, innovation" .一.恒迪公司企业文化的核心是“诚信,合作,创新”

4.Guide the human resources building and promote the corporation culture.指导公司人才队伍建设、推进公司企业文化建设工作;

5.The construction of corporation culture of Daqing oilfield has a long history and "Daqing spirit" is honored home and abroad.大庆油田企业文化建设具有悠久的历史,“大庆精神”享誉国内外。

6.Corporation culture: Two gifts to cpents----modern products and fire-new service!企业文化:送给客户两件礼物————时尚的产品、全新的服务!

7.The corporation culture of service industry is service and customer oriented.服务行业的企业文化是以服务为导向、以顾客为中心的服务文化。

8.Just because of this repgious color veiled on the corporation culture makes it mystic and dazzpng.正是这层宗教色彩给日本的企业文化蒙上了一层神秘的光环,让它显得绚丽夺目。

9.It not only contains the inheritance of good traditional culture of enterprises, but also the creation of new corporation culture .它不仅包含各企业优秀传统文化的继承,更需要企业文化的融合与创新。

10.Different in company resources has resulted in very different manufacturing process and corporation culture in China.在中国,公司资源的不同导致了差异很大生产过程和企业文化。