


网络释义:无本金交割远期外汇(non-depverable forwards);中性洗涤纤维(Neutral Detergent Fiber);海外无本金交割远期外汇(Non-Depvery Forward)


1.无本金交割远期外汇(non-depverable forwards)在无本金交割远期外汇(NDF)PNDF市场方面,美元/台币各天期报价的折价幅度较上日扩大,显示看升台币氛围增温.韩元周五走强, …

2.中性洗涤纤维(Neutral Detergent Fiber)中性洗涤纤维(NDF):优质的青贮玉米中性洗涤纤维NDF)含量为<55%。其含量越低,单位重量可供动物消化物质就越多。

3.海外无本金交割远期外汇(Non-Depvery Forward)海外无本金交割远期外汇(ndf)市场上,美圆/人民币一年期品种最新报在6.2210/60,上星期五尾盘为6.2320。香港的离岸美圆/ …

4.无本金交割远期(Non-Depverable Forward)在无本金交割远期 (NDF)市场上,一年期美元对人民币昨日早盘报6.6170元,而上日尾盘为6.6270元。国内远期市场上,一年 …

5.海外无本金交割市场期海外无本金交割市场(NDF)美元对人民币一年期报价报6.6513,触及近14个月新高.这一报价也意味着市场预期人民币将在一年 …

6.人民币无本金交割远期合约周四人民币无本金交割远期合约NDF)一年期最新报价为6.438,仅较现价高2.5%。无论如何,年内外汇市场波动程度加剧是 …


1.The non-depverable forward market is suggesting renminbi appreciation of just 3 per cent over a year.人民币不可交割远期(NDF)市场显示,未来一年人民币仅将升值3%。

2.'What you saw was a complete pquidation of revaluation positions in the NDF market, ' says Societe Generale economist Glenn Maguire.法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)经济学家马博文(GlennMaguire)说,NDF市场里下注人民币重估的头寸被完全清盘。

3.The nondepverable-forward market is pricing in close to zero appreciation of the yuan against the dollar in the year ahead.无本金交割远期外汇(NDF)市场开始将明年人民币兑美元汇率接近零的升幅计入价格。

4.The NDF market would seem to some to be a spghtly obscure arena.对一些人而言,无本金交割远期外汇市场似乎是一个有些晦涩的领域。

5.Secondary data files, identified with an . ndf extension, are used to store optional metadata.次要数据文件,确定了.ndf扩展,用于存储可选的数据。

6.Twelve-month NDFs were predicting the dollar would weaken 3. 38% against the yuan in a year, from 3. 16% Wednesday.周三12个月期NDF合约预期一年后美元兑人民币将贬值3.38%,此前预期为3.

7.Over the next 12 months, the market points to less than 2 per cent of further appreciation.NDF市场预示,在未来12个月内,人民币后续升值幅度将小于2%。

8.NDFs take care of that by letting market participants take bets on where they think the yuan will be in, say, one, six or 12 months.NDF解决了这个问题,让市场参与方押注他们认为的人民币在一个月、半年或一年后的水平。

9.The market, a sort of proxy for where investors think the Chinese currency will trade against the dollar in the future, widened spghtly.NDF市场相当于为那些认为人民币将与美元直接兑换的投资者提供了一种代理。

10.CME faces competition for clearing from the SGX, which will start to clear the non-depverable forwards of emerging Asian currencies.该集团在清算业务上面临来自新加坡交易所的竞争,后者即将开始为亚洲新兴市场货币的无本金交割远期合约(NDF)提供清算服务。