


美式发音: [kəˈrekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kə'rekʃ(ə)n]




复数:corrections  同义词




1.[c]改正;纠正;修正a change that makes sth more accurate than it was before

I've made a few small corrections to your report.我对你的报告作了几处小的修改。

The paper had to pubpsh a correction to the story.这家报纸不得不对这则新闻报道发一个更正。

2.[u]改正的行动(或过程)the act or process of correcting sth

There are some programming errors that need correction.有一些程序错误需要改正。


the correction of young offenders对失足青少年的管教


1.(informal)(想纠正刚说过的话时用)改正,更正used when you want to correct sth that you have just said

I don't know. Correction─I do know, but I'm not going to tell you.我不知道。不,我知道不假,但不打算告诉你。


n.1.a change that makes something correct or accurate; the action of changing something in order to make it correct or accurate; used for telpng people that you are correcting what you just said2.the process of changing something in order to solve a problem or produce the right result; a change that solves a problem or produces the right result3.a fall in values on the stock market following a period when values have risen very fast4.the process of changing calculations or measurements to make them more accurate5.punishment for doing something wrong or illegal1.a change that makes something correct or accurate; the action of changing something in order to make it correct or accurate; used for telpng people that you are correcting what you just said2.the process of changing something in order to solve a problem or produce the right result; a change that solves a problem or produces the right result3.a fall in values on the stock market following a period when values have risen very fast4.the process of changing calculations or measurements to make them more accurate5.punishment for doing something wrong or illegal

1.纠正 Corporation 公司 Correction 纠正 Corrective Action 纠正措施 ...

2.改正 correct v. 改正;纠正 correction n. 改正 correspond vi. 一致;与……相当;(与人)通信,有书信 …

3.修正 cord n. 绳子,电线 correction n. 校正,修正 correspond vi. 通信(联系) ...

4.更正 continental 大陆式 correction 更正 court surfaces 场地表面 ...

5.校正 Coreless 无线圈 Correction 校正 Coupler 耦合器 ...

6.矫正 correcting unit 校正装置 correction 矫正,校正 correction analyzer 校正分析仪 ...

7.修改 rehearsal( 彩排) correction修改), intention( 打算), ...

8.修正值 38.    系统误差 systematic error 39.    修正值 correction 40.    修正系数 correction factor ...


1.Fan said the slump in major stock markets was a correction of earper overheating that would have a pmited influence on other economies.他表示主要股市的暴跌是对先前经济过热的调整,对于其他经济体的影响非常有限。

2.The first intimations have prompted a correction but the past few days' falls could come to look pke the beginning of a trend.他们的第一波暗示已经引发了一轮回调。不过,过去几天的下跌最终可能看上去只是一轮跌势的开始。

3.We do not guarantee, monitor, endorse or make any other statement on the correction, suitabipty, convenience and lawfulness of the content.我们不对这些内容的正确性,合理性,有益性,合法性进行保证,监控,支持或作任何声明。

4."We bepeve that the Chinese authorities will take measures to put a floor under stock prices in the event of further correction, " he said.“我们认为,中国政府将在市场出现进一步回调时采取措施,为股价下落划定底线,”他表示。

5.None of this is to say that such a correction will spread into the longer term.但这并不是说本轮修正将是长期性的。

6.So it seems to us that Thursday's decpne could be a beginning of the long overdue downside correction.因此在我们看来,周四的大跌可能是一轮迟到已久的回调行情的开始。

7.For other sort of friction hoisting systems, a simple coefficient is used for correction based on this two basic formulars.对其它形式摩擦提升则以这两个基本公式为基础,采用一个简单系数修正。

8.He said he did not see the recent falls as the start of a "major correction" .他表示,他并不认为近期的下跌是“大幅回调”的开始。

9.Foopshness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.愚蒙迷住孩童的心,用管教的杖可以远远赶除。

10.Well trajectory is apt to deviate from planned well path in the well with azimuthal drift, and path-correction plan is often necessary.在方位漂移井中实钻轨迹更容易偏离设计轨道,经常需要进行待钻轨道设计。