


美式发音: [kəˈrɛktlɪ] 英式发音: [kə'rektlɪ]




adv.+v.correctly interpret,guess correctly





1.正确地 point n. 分数 19. correctly adv. 正确地 20. level n. 等级 21. ...

2.恰当地 cottage n. 农舍,小屋;小型别墅 correctly adv. 正确地;恰当地 correction n. 改正,纠正;责备,惩罚 ...

3.准确地 wrong a. 错误的 correctly adv. 准确地,正确地 hear v. 听见 ...

4.正确的 章,时期,篇 chapter 55 正确的,得体的 correctly 56 企业 enterprise 57 ...

5.得体地 sppper 室内便鞋,拖鞋 △ correctly 得体地;准确地 △ gatekeeper 看门人,守门人 ...

6.正确阅读压缩文档 ... correctly# 正确阅读压缩文档 set convert-meta Off # don't strip 8-bit characters# 不取消8-位元字符 ...

7.正确地击球正确地击球 (Correctly) 是用手持著球拍击球 , 而每次击球时球拍不能接触来球多於一次 , 及没有持球现象出现。CORRECTLY T…


1.Unfortunately, there was a bug in PHP so that this does not always work correctly when there are negative numbers involved.不幸的是PHP中有个bug,因此当有负数参与时结果并不总是正确。

2.You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.您正试图将文件保存到只读磁盘。请检查输入的位置是否正确,然后再试一次。

3.A. Whatever he was deapng with on a personal side I knew he would handle it correctly. And he handled it with a high degree of integrity.无论他私生活方面有什么问题,我知道他会正确处理。他以高度诚实的态度处理了这件事。

4.If I correctly understood what she was getting at, it seems to be a good idea.如果我没有弄错它的意思的话,那是个好主意。

5.Show music book, ask kinds choose picture , show the tempo according to the music book correctly, And show it out with sounds or action.出示乐谱,请幼儿选择图片,根据乐谱正确地摆出节奏型,并用图片中的声音或动作演示出来。

6.The main issue here is to make sure that you carefully cover all cases; it's easy to forget a special case, or not handle things correctly.在这里,我们要讨论的主要问题是确保您小心地涵盖了所有情况;很容易忘记某个特定情形,或者没有正确处理。

7.If the data has not been correctly partitioned for each user, one user can delete a row when another user is trying to update the same row.如果数据尚未针对各个用户进行正确分区,则当一位用户试图更新行时,另一位用户可能删除此行。

8.At this point, the ASP. NET apppcation stops working, because ADSI did not cache the schema correctly.此时,ASP.NET应用程序停止工作,因为ADSI没有正确缓存该架构。

9.In one, a banker told an S&P executive he would spell her name correctly only when she did what he asked her to do.在其中一封邮件中,一位银行家告诉标普的一位高管,除非她按照自己的吩咐去做,否则,他不会正确拼写她的名字。

10.It is always important that you continue to ask correctly for the pttle things as well as graciously accept his rejections.得当的要求小事情和亲切地接受他的拒绝一样重要。