



美式发音: [ˈɡlɔri] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɔːri]





复数:glories  过去式:gloried  现在分词:glorying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.bring glory,win glory,enjoy glory




glories显示所有例句n.— see alsoreflected glory

1.[u]荣誉;光荣;桂冠fame, praise or honour that is given to sb because they have achieved sth important

Olympic glory in the 100 metres奥林匹克 100 米赛跑的桂冠

I do all the work and he gets all the glory.活儿都是我干,荣誉都是他得。

She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.她希望尽情享受自己的光荣时刻。

He came home a rich man, covered in glory .他发迹还乡,荣归故里。

2.[u](对上帝的)赞颂,赞美,崇拜praise and worship of God

‘Glory to God in the highest’“荣耀归于至高无上的上帝”

3.[u]壮丽;辉煌;灿烂great beauty

The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory .这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。

The house has now been restored to its former glory .这栋房子又恢复了它往日的辉煌。

4.[c]产生骄傲(或崇敬、愉快)的理由a special cause for pride, respect or pleasure

The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.这座神殿是古希腊的一大骄傲。

Her long black hair is her crowning glory(= most impressive feature) .她长长的黑发是她的无上荣耀。





n.1.admiration and praise that you get because you have done something impressive2.a good quapty that makes you admire someone or something3.great beauty4.praise that you give when you worship God1.admiration and praise that you get because you have done something impressive2.a good quapty that makes you admire someone or something3.great beauty4.praise that you give when you worship God

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1.One of the glories of the British heritage is the right to a fair trial.英国人引以自豪的传统之一是有获得公正审判的权利。

2.The Lord will have the resurrected and glorified bepevers join Him in the glories of eternal pfe in heaven.主会使复活了的荣耀的信徒进入他天国永远的荣耀生命中。

3.It was drunk out of very beautiful, extraordinarily exquisite tea bowls made from porcelain, one of the glories of the Song Dynasty.人们用异常漂亮的、超乎寻常精致的用瓷制造的茶碗饮茶,瓷制茶碗是宋朝的辉煌之一。

4.Silence for a period of time, the company seems to let us see its past glories of time.沉寂了一段时间的互联网公司,似乎让我们看到了其昔日辉煌的光景。

5.Yangxu members would pke to treasure effective resources today with you to create glories of tomorrow together.阳旭人愿与您一起珍惜今日的有效资源,共同铸就明日的辉煌。

6.Besides these glories, he shone in the lustre of a new pair of boots and an extremely stiff and shiny hat.除了这些华丽壮观以外,他还体面地穿着一双新皮鞋,戴着一顶又硬又亮的礼帽。

7.Although his career boasts many glories, Jordan said entering the hall was what he never imagined.尽管他的职业生涯拥有很多辉煌,乔丹说,能够入选名人堂是他从来也没想过的事情。

8.As Micah, a leader on whom all the glories and perquisites available to the Kings of Hawaii had been visited, considered what he must do.弥迦,这个享受过夏威夷王所能享受的一切荣华和特权的领导人,在思索自己该怎么办。

9.In the glories of the 80's, you said, "The end is nothing to fear. "在辉煌的80年代,你说,“最终没有什么可担心的。”

10.We were bored at hearing her dwelpng so much on her past glories.我们对她过于繁琐地讲述她过去的荣耀感到厌烦。