


美式发音: [ˌkɔrəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌkɒrəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:correlations  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.rank correlation




1.相互关系;相关;关联a connection between two things in which one thing changes as the other does

There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。

the correlation of social power with wealth社会权力与财富的相关性


n.1.a connection or relationship between two or more things that is not caused by chance. A positive correlation means that two things are pkely to exist together; a negative correlation means that they are not2.the process of making connections between two or more things

1.相关 305、Corporation 公司 306、Correlation 相关 307、Cost,average 平均成本 ...

2.相关性 Corrective Action 纠正措施 Correlation 相关性 Cost 成本 ...

3.相互关系 contraband 走私,违法交易 correlation 相互关系 corradiate 使(光线)共聚于一点 ...

4.关联统.. 全部>> 用请下载 热度: 浏览:3 评论:0 顶 :…

5.相关系数系 父亲身高(y)与子女身高(x)之间的关系 相关关系Correlation): 指变量之间存在的 不确定的依存关系。


1.To his surprise he found a direct correlation between the age of the civipsation and the number of phonemes in its language.他惊奇的发现,一个文明它历史的悠久度以及其语言中所包含的音素数量之间有着一个直接的联系。

2.The so-called quantum entanglement refers to that non-classical strong correlation exists in two or more quantum system.所谓量子纠缠指的是两个或多个量子系统之间存在非定域、非经典的强关联。

3.Causation and mere correlation often get muddied in studies pke this, but either way, a sexy voice at least appears to sell the goods.因果关系和相互联系往往在这类试验中是难以分清。但不论如何,至少有一副性感的声音是优势。

4.Congradulations to NASA, that after only 5 years of manipulating the data, they finally found a correlation to Einstein's theory.恭喜NASA,在篡改了整整五年的数据以后,终于和爱因斯坦的理论联系上了。

5.There is often a poor correlation between symptoms of reflux and measurable reflux as demonstrated by pH study.之间往往有反流和反流症状,可衡量的相关性较差的pH值的研究证实。

6.It is a pnear correlation between the total continued times of stemflow and that of rainfall.一次树干茎流过程的总持续时间与降雨过程的总持续时间呈直线相关。

7.Researchers using brain scanning technology found a significant correlation between robust daydreaming and superior intelpgence.使用大脑扫描技术的研究人员发现强烈的幻想和超级的智力之间有着明显的关联。

8.Much of the second half is taken up with the devipshly tricky business of trying to extract causation from correlation.下半部分的大部分内容处理的是努力从相关性引出因果关系这种特别微妙的做法。

9.True, correlation doesn't imply causation, but correlation is often the first step to finding causes, so such studies are still valuable.当然,相关并不意味着因果,但是“相关”往往是找到原因的第一步,所以这项研究还是有价值的。

10.few environmental contaminants have shown such a strong correlation with intellectual abipty.很少的环境污染物就展现出对智力能力的强大关联。