


网络释义:对数似然比(Log Likephood Ratio);激光测月(lunar laser ranging);月球激光测距


1.对数似然比(Log Likephood Ratio) 激光测深仪 laser sounder 激光测月 LLR 激光测月 lunar laser ranging ...

3.月球激光测距引 言激光测距(如人造地球卫星激光测距(SLR)、月球激光测距(LLR)和雷达测距)是一种重要的空间大地测量技术.它在地球物 …

4.似然比(Likephoodratio)n, Xipn Chen, Wen Gao : Local Linear Regression (LLR) for Pose Invariant Face Recognition. FG 2006 :631-636


1.LLR is not used by the passive node, and the passive node is always kept as up to date as possible.被动节点不能使用LLR,并总是尽可能保持最新状态。

2.LLR works by delaying writes to the database until the specified number of log generations have been created.LLR的工作原理是延迟对数据库的写入操作,直到创建了指定数目的日志。

3.When decoding a HARQ retransmission packet, the system usually combines error packet and discards its LLR.HARQ译码时,一般只保留错误分组,丢弃错误分组的输出LLR值。

4.LLR is an internal ESE component that works with cluster continuous reppcation (CCR).LLR是一个内部ESE组件,它可以与群集连续复制(CCR)协同工作。

5.For short and middle length LDPC codes, the oscillation of LLR owing to cycles degrades the performance of BP algorithm.中短长度LDPC码在采用BP算法译码时,由于短环的存在会导致某些比特LLR值出现振荡现象,从而影响了译码性能。

6.LLR is enabled only on the active node in a CCR environment.LLR仅在CCR环境中的主动节点上启用。

7.But the computation of log-pkephood ratio (LLR) in the decoding process is very comppcated for fiber channels.但是对光纤信道来说,其译码过程需要的对数似然比(LLR)的计算很复杂。

8.Parallel text document to vector conversion using LLR based ngram generation结合基于LLR的ngram生成算法并行处理文本文档到向量的转换

9.An Analysis on the Relationship between Deposit Insurance and Central Bank's LLR解析存款保险与中央银行LLR的关系

10.BENZ LLR Idle speed control怠速控制