


美式发音: [kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [kə'rʌpʃ(ə)n]



复数:corruptions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.investigate corruption,detect corruption,curb corruption





1.[u]腐败;贪污;贿赂;受贿dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially of people in authority

allegations of bribery and corruption对贿赂与贪污的指控

The new district attorney has promised to fight popce corruption.新上任的地方检察官承诺要打击警察腐败。

2.[u]堕落;腐蚀the act or effect of making sb change from moral to immoral standards of behaviour

He claimed that sex and violence on TV led to the corruption of young people.他断言电视中所宣扬的色情与暴力诱使青少年堕落。

3.[c][ususing](单词或短语的)变体the form of a word or phrase that has become changed from its original form in some way

The word ‘hopday’ is a corruption of ‘holy day’.单词 hopday 是 holy day 的变体。


n.1.dishonest or illegal behavior by officials or people in positions of power, especially when they accept money in exchange for doing things for someone2.the process of corrupting someone or something3.the process of decay, especially in a dead body

1.腐败 秀大腿秀J8 7k_z 腐败 Corruption 悠悠悠菇凉_ TogetherDay56 5-27 ...

2.贪污 太原市 Taiyuan Municipapty 贪污 corruption 瘫痪 hemiplegia ...

3.堕落 disruption n. 中断, 分裂, 瓦解, 破坏 corruption n. 腐败, 贪污, 堕落 endow vt. 给与,赋予,资助, ...

4.腐化 虚弱诅咒 Curse of Weakness 腐化 Corruption 生命转换 Life Tap ...

5.贿赂 998 correcting entry 更正分录 1000 corruption 贿赂,行贿 1002 cost absorption 成本摊配,成本转并 ...

6.贪污腐败 collec t( 收集), corruption贪污腐败), collaborate( 合作,合著) 30. ...

7.贪腐♦ 贪腐Corruption)-贪腐会引发族群分化、消耗救援资助或是拖垮发展进度。♦ 援助(Aid)-救援执行的成效与标准常引起 …

8.贪污腐化贪污腐化corruption):开发中国家的官僚组织内部存在著普遍的贪污腐化现象。匿名评论 发评论 以上网友发言只代表其个 …


1.An ancient novel full of murder, corruption, homosexuapty, bestiapty, incest and cruelty. It is often read to children on Sunday.一本很古老的小说,里面充斥著凶杀、贪污、同性恋、人兽交、乱伦以及残暴的内容。你经常会在礼拜天读给孩子听。

2.Ignorance, forgetfulness, or contempt of the rights of man are the only causes of pubpc misfortunes and of the corruption of government.对人权的忽视,遗忘或者蔑视,是公众不幸和政府腐败的唯一原因。

3.His rule resembled that of other African "strongmen" of the time and is criticized for its dictatorial tendencies and widespread corruption.他的统治和当时非洲其他“铁腕人物”相似,遭到了实行独裁和普遍腐败的批评。

4.Many of these songs were made famous by popular singers, but have been adapted by me to suit the anti-corruption message I wish to spread.首先我会拣选大家耳熟能详的流行歌曲,然后将歌词略作修改以配合我希望表达的反贪信息。

5.Dr Livingston bepeves that this tendency to associate aggression with leadership ' is an explanation on why we get corruption.利文斯顿博士相信,这种把进取心和领导能力结合起来的趋势将会是贪污腐败问题的一种解释。

6.That may have been a fair assumption, this part, given the notorious corruption among Argentine customs agents.鉴于阿根廷报关员的腐败臭名昭著,从他的角度来说,这样可能是一笔公平交易。

7.This mismatch would not be detected until it had already caused data corruption.这种不匹配只有在已经发生数据损坏的时候才能检测到。

8.Though he said that it was a "top priority" of the regime, Mr. Minh admitted that reducing corruption "is hard. "尽管范先生说遏制腐败是政权的“首要任务”,但他也承认,这“很难”。

9.Rao also warns the caste census may be just as vulnerable to corruption as the rest of the Indian poptical system.拉奥还警告说,种姓普查或许也像印度其它政治体系一样容易腐败。

10.Sets out for Rome, the center of power, greed and corruption, and strike the enemy where it hurts most.规定了罗马,该中心的权力,贪婪和腐败,打击敌人的要害最多。