


美式发音: [ˈkɔrˌteks] 英式发音: [ˈkɔː(r)teks]






1.皮层;皮质;(尤指)大脑皮层the outer layer of an organ in the body, especially the brain

the cerebral/renal cortex(= around the brain/ kidney )大脑╱肾皮层


n.1.the outer layer of your brain or another organ

1.皮质 表皮 epidermis 皮层 cortex 中柱 central core stele ...

3.皮质层 表皮层 cuticle 皮质层 cortex 髓质层 medulla ...

4.大脑皮质 vertex (三角形等)顶角,顶点 cortex 外皮 vortex 漩涡,漩风 ...

7.毛皮质毛皮质(CORTEX)占毛发的75%至90%,是左右着毛发性能的重要组成部分,由柔软的角蛋白构成。蛋白质链儿互相缠绕,形成 …


1.However, the cortex of the posterior tibia does not always offer good purchase for screw fixation, particularly in osteopenic bone.但是胫骨后侧皮质并不总是能用于螺钉的固定,特别是在骨质疏松骨。

2.Put simply, the prefrontal cortex is at the heart of our most flexible and forward-looking thoughts.简单地说,前额叶皮层就是我们产生最灵活及最具前瞻性思想的核心。

3.The next day, when his body was found with his cortex pealed from his head.第二天,当丹纳头皮被剥掉的尸体被人发现的时候。

4.When a group of men looked at images of overweight men, there was no medial prefrontal cortex activity.而一组男性在看到超重男人的体型时他们的前额皮质没有明显活动。

5.FDG-PET seems to be suitable for diagnosis and staging of adrenal cortex carcinoma in one single examination.葡萄糖聚酯似乎是适合于诊断和分期中的肾上腺皮质癌的一个单一的考试。

6.When doctors asked her to think of playing tennis, areas of her motor cortex leapt to pfe.医生要求她想象自己在打网球时,她的皮层运动区活跃了起来。

7.As the animation plays, activity first builds up in the genital area of the sensory cortex, a response to being touched in that region.正如短片显示的那样,大脑活动先从负责生殖器官那部分的感觉皮层开始,触发了此区域的感应。

8.Results With the increase of reperfusion injury, there was no significant change in renal cortex echo revealed by CEUS.结果随着再灌注损伤加重,超声造影显示肾皮质灌注回声无明显变化;

9.And after just a few hours with the bpndfold removed, the visual cortex again responded only to input from the eyes.摘去眼罩仅仅几个小时之后,视觉皮质就再次只对从眼睛输入的信息产生反应了。

10.When confronted with a celebrity, the team documented heightened activity in a certain part of the brain - the medial orbitofrontal cortex.当女士面对名人时,研究团队记录大脑某个部位显著的活动,即中央眼窝前额皮质区。