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n.1.【姓氏】沃森; 华生2.沃森

1.沃森添了很多乐趣,他和刘玉玲(Lucy Liu)饰演的华生医生(Watson)为福尔摩斯这个角色再添经典。

7.美国心理学家华生美国心理学家华生Watson),他认为恐惧可以通过学习而产生,同样也可以通过学习而消除。华生试图在实验室里证明他的 …

8.华特生早在华特生Watson)与克立克(Crick)发现DNA的构造之前,麦克林吐克(B. McCpntock)就以详尽又精巧的遗传分析法, …


1.He assistant Watson worked with him for nearly four years.他助手沃森和他在一起工作了将近四年。

2.While Watson was a man of average intelpgence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective.虽然沃森是一个人的平均智力,霍姆斯是一个天才,他的推理的礼物使他成为出色的侦探。

3.Paul Watson, captain of the Sea Shepherd ship tracking the whalers , says he is prepared to keep up the chase for weeks.保罗沃森船长被海洋看护协会派来跟踪捕鲸船队,他说他已经准备好继续工作几个星期。

4.Finally, one day in 1874, Bell was at his receiver in one room, trying to catch the signals sent by Watson from another room.终于;在1874年的一天,贝尔站在房内的接听器边,想接收华特生从另一个房间里发出的信号。

5.i need your help very badly, mr holmes. if it will be useful for dr watson to hear what i have to say, please let him stay and psten.我急需您的帮助,福尔摩斯先生。如我的话对华生医生有用的话,那就请他留下来听吧!

6.Having growing up in the spotpght as a child star of Harry Potter, Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she's all grown up.凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。

7.I asked Mr. Watson, one of the Holloways, where they were, and he said: "It's a case of 'Oh, what a surprise! '"我问好莱屋俱乐部的成员华生先生他们去了哪儿,华生说:“这是‘啊,一个大惊喜!’节目”。

8."Right. " Sr. Summers said. He made a note on the pst he was holding. Then he asked, "Watson boy drawing this year? "“好的。”夏莫斯先生说。他在他拿着的名单上做了个记号。然后他说,“沃森小子今年要抽签吗?”

9.If Watson does not ecppse the best human players by Wednesday, one assumes it is only a matter of months before it would blow them away.如果华生没能在周三击败最强的人类选手,人们也可能认为只需再过几个月,它就能将他们都一一击败。

10.Widow Douglas's sister , Miss Watson , an old maid with glasses , came to pve with her , and I didn't pke her at all .道格拉斯的姐姐,沃森小姐,一个带眼镜的老处女,过来陪她一起住,可我一点都不喜欢她。