


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kɔːtɪsɒl]





1.皮质醇 corticosteroid 皮质类固醇 cortisol 皮质醇,氢化可的松 deltoid 三角肌 ...

7.压力荷尔蒙皮质醇一开始,夫妻被分开做血压和压力荷尔蒙皮质醇(cortisol)及催产素值的量测。(女性分娩、哺乳和男女性高潮后会分泌oxytocin催 …


1.Well, we are beginning to see that cortisol may play a role.因为我们开始发现肾上腺皮质分泌的皮质醇起着一定作用。

2.The two groups that had not restricted their caloric intake during the test period did not show more cortisol production.而在实验期间没有被控制能量摄入的两组被试者没有表现出更高的皮质醇产生率。

3.Cortisol is often called the stress hormone. Testosterone can potentially influence responses to take risks.皮质醇通常被称作压力激素,睾酮可以影响人们面临挑战时的反应状态。

4.Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study from Jefferson Medical College.根据杰弗逊医学院的一项研究,仅仅只需一堂瑜珈课就能降低压力荷尔蒙--考的索的水平。

5.The body's response to any threat is the same: fight or fpght, as the stress hormone cortisol rushes our systems.对待任何冲击的身体反应是相同的:除了抗争,还是抗争,就像人在面对压力是一种名叫氢化皮质酮的激素会冲击我们的神经系统。

6.Cortisol belongs to a class of human hormones known as glucocorticoids that have been shown to kill hippocampal cells in animals.已知糖皮质激素能够杀伤动物的海马细胞,皮质醇属于糖皮质激素的一种。

7.in humans , the relevant glucocorticoid is called cortisol , also known as hydrocortisone.人体内与此相关的糖皮质素称为皮质醇,又叫做氢皮质酮。

8.But it is possible that high levels of cortisol somehow make it more difficult for male embryos to implant in the womb.但皮质醇水平过高,可能会使男性的胚胎在植入女性子宫时变得更加困难。

9.They're packed with magnesium, which seems to help keep cortisol levels low.他们含有丰富的镁元素,可以降低皮质醇水准。

10.If you are going to bed very late, then you are probably also messing up your natural cortisol cycle.如果你上床很晚,你很可能扰乱你的皮质醇循环。