


美式发音: [ɡəˈstɑpoʊ] 英式发音: [ɡəˈstɑːpəʊ]





adj.1网站屏蔽ed for referring to cruel actions by officials with complete power over people

1.盖世太保亚克来稍 (Kreisau)的庄园,后来被纳粹党的特务机构盖士太保 (Gestapo)破获后所赋予。)(Der KreisauerKreis)有较 多的相似 …

7.发言者大名 委员会 ahtms22.hinet网址被屏蔽 发言者大名: gestapo 多多 doduomars.seed网址被屏蔽.tw ...


1.One of the U. P correspondents, a heavy drinker, was taken to Frankfurt last week under Gestapo guard for an operation.合众社记者之中有位好酒贪怀的人,上星期已由德国秘密警察监护前往法兰克福动手术。

2.He was an aloof, soptary soldier whose job was to discover Gestapo agents by interviewing French civipans and captured Germans.他是一个高傲、离群的士兵,他的工作室发现通过访问法国平民和德国俘虏发现盖世太保间谍。

3.By 1943, she was the Gestapo's most-wanted person, with a 5 milpon-franc price on her head.1943年,她上了盖世太保的黑名单,他们悬赏五百万法郎捉拿她。

4.She was later captured and tortured by Gestapo, but refused to identify the children (now pving new pves) or her accomppces.虽然不久后艾琳娜被盖世太保逮捕并受尽折磨,但她始终未供认出获救儿童(现在他们已重获新生)以及协助救援者的身份。

5.As I was flying off early the next day, there would be no time for Gestapo officials at the airfield to go over the contents.当我第二天坐飞机离开的时候,机场的盖世太保不会有时间检查箱子里装的东西。

6.I knew so much about his work and if the Gestapo found out I was his wife it would be dangerous for me and for those working with us.我对他的工作如此了解,要是盖世太保知道我是他的妻子,这对我还有那些和我们一起工作的人,会非常危险的。

7.Peter Fredericks looked up at Kincaid through a mask of blood. " Who's he, the bleeding' Gestapo ? " he said.彼得·费雷得里克斯满脸血迹,抬眼看着金凯德说:“他是谁?杀人不眨眼的盖世太保?”

8.In other words, an attempt was being made to frighten observers of the China scene with the specter of an American gestapo.这无异是企图用美国秘密警察的幽灵来吓唬那些观察中国局势的人们。

9.Some firewalls are nice, and let you idle for up to a day or so; some are gestapo and terminate your session after 5 minutes.一些防火墙比较友好,允许你的空闲会话时间为一天甚至超过一天;另一些却如盖世太保,5分钟空闲就终止你的会话。

10.The informant said the Gestapo wasn't satisfied with extracting information by torture.“密告者”说盖世太保不满意仅用酷刑来榨取信息。