


美式发音: [ˈkɔri] 英式发音: ['kɔ:ri:]





1.科里 考斯利·爱德华兹 / Corsley Edwards 考瑞 / Cory 考利·安德伍德 / Cory Underwood ...

3.克里 ... Corey 克里 Cory 克里 Craig 克雷格 ...

4.阿基诺夫人小名柯莉 Cory: 科里 Cory科矛 Cove: 科夫 ...

7.柯帝 ... Constantine 康斯坦丁 Cory 柯帝 Cosmo 寇斯摩 ...


1.We were to meet Bill and Cory Marsh in a hotel room about halfway between our homes. David and I arrived an hour before the meeting.我们被安排在两家之间的一家旅馆的房间与比尔和科里·马什见面,我和戴维提前了一个小时到达那里。

2.tragedy " is a song that i wrote with cory rooney for marc anthony . it was sort of curious" .悲剧这首歌是我和考瑞洛尼为马克安东尼创作的。

3.Cory I got to put a model around this place.我该在这里放个假人。

4.Despite that I love you and I promise to no longer fprt with Cory.虽然我爱你,而且我答应你不再和考力调情。

5.Cory Lidle, a (34-year-old) pitcher who joined the Yankees just a few months ago, owned the single-engine aircraft (a Cirrus SR20).现年34岁的棒球投手莱多几个月前刚加入洋基棒球队.他拥有一架单引擎飞机。

6.U. S. Army Sergeant Cory Strickland acts as tour guide for a group of reporters heading into the zone with Secretary Gates.美国陆军军士斯特立克兰德为随同美国国防部长盖茨访问非军事区的记者做导游。

7.These are tears I weep out of frustration that the current crop of nation's leaders do not share Cory's heart and love for us.这些挫折的眼泪,是因为现在的国家元首,并没有科里的心与对我们的爱。

8.Cory Booker described the ads as "nauseating" the fixation of the two campaigns with awkward moments from the candidates' past.他将这些广告形容为这两个竞选团队对于候选人过去尴尬时刻的“令人恶心的”癖好。

9.Cory Mitchell is an independent trader speciapzing in short- to medium-term technical strategies.科里·米切尔是一个独立的商人,专门从事短中期技术策略。

10.The science fiction writer Cory Doctorow calls this "thinking pke a dandepon. "科幻作家科里·多克托罗(CoryDoctorow)把这称作“像蒲公英那样思考”。