


美式发音: [ˈwɔlˌnʌt] 英式发音: [ˈwɔːlnʌt]






1.[c]核桃;胡桃the pght brown nut of the walnut tree that has a rough surface and a hard round shell in two halves

2.[c]核桃树;胡桃树the tree on which walnuts grow

3.[u]核桃木;胡桃木the brown wood of the walnut tree, used in making furniture

n.1.【食,植】核桃; 胡桃2.【树】核桃树; 胡桃树3.核桃木; 胡桃木4.核桃木色; 胡桃木色1.【食,植】核桃; 胡桃2.【树】核桃树; 胡桃树3.核桃木; 胡桃木4.核桃木色; 胡桃木色

n.1.[Food,Plant]a nut you can eat that has a knobbly surface covered in small round lumps inside a hard round shell2.[Tree]a tree that produces nuts and wood3.the wood of a walnut tree that is used for making furniture4.a dark brown colour pke that of walnut wood1.[Food,Plant]a nut you can eat that has a knobbly surface covered in small round lumps inside a hard round shell2.[Tree]a tree that produces nuts and wood3.the wood of a walnut tree that is used for making furniture4.a dark brown colour pke that of walnut wood

1.核桃 20. 核糖核酸[ ribonucleic acid,RNA] 21. 核桃[ walnut] 22. 核武器[ nuclear weapon] ...

2.胡桃 当归 angepca 胡桃 walnut 木耳 agaric ...

3.胡桃木 黑檀 Ebony 胡桃木 Walnut 白橡 White Oak ...

4.核桃市 elm 榆树 walnut 核桃树 redwood 红木树 ...

8.核桃木核桃木Walnut):富有多种色泽、但大多成灰棕色即不规则的条纹、且容易上漆,可以用来制作球杆前臂(Fore Arm)、插 …


1.The male prostate is usually around the size of a walnut, weighing about 23 grams.男性的前列腺通常来说只有胡桃大小23克左右。

2.Mike, the home's director, sat us down at a walnut-stained table and let out a sigh. "I got the report from the hospital, " he said.殡仪员麦克安排我们坐在一张胡桃木色桌子旁,叹了口气说:“医院联系过我了。”

3.It was bronze on walnut, heavy enough to make an anchor for a rowboat, but I didn't need a rowboat anchor, and this thing had my name on it.这是胡桃木上的一个铜质饰物,重得足以给划艇做锚使,但我不需要锚来固定划艇,上面又刻了我的名字。

4.As if his head to the walnut girl with a lot of accessories, especially elegant and simple.仿佛核桃姑娘往自己头上带了许多装饰品,格外典雅、朴素。

5.The next day, her eyes was swollen pke a walnut.第二天,她的眼睛肿得象个胡桃。

6.With a brain "the size of a walnut, " as she puts it, the birds display what appears to be the cognitive potential of a young child.她认为:这些大脑只有核桃大小的小鸟表现出的却是一个小孩可能会学会的认知能力。

7.To make walnut green layer on the skin stripped, Grandpa is always good to put the walnuts, cover a few days on the heap of wheat straw.为了让核桃上那层绿色的皮剥掉,爷爷总是要先把打好的核桃,放在麦草堆里捂几天。

8.Jamming on the brake, he pulled a young walnut seedpng out of his cold frame and asked me if I knew which one it was.他急踩刹车,从玻璃温室中拿出一株幼小的胡桃树苗,问我是否知道它是哪种树苗。

9.Taishan walnut, also known as walnuts, there are a thousand years of cultivation history, with "chicken feet cotton" excellent walnut.泰山核桃又名胡桃,有上千年的栽培历史,以“鸡爪绵”核桃为优。

10.and with that she took up the walnut-shell in which Thumbepna lay and hopped away through the broken pane out into the garden.于是她一把抓住拇指姑娘正睡着的那个胡桃壳,背着它跳出了窗户,一直跳到花园里去。