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1.(书写形式)余弦(in writing) cosine




n.1.[Mathematics]cosine2.[Plant]cos lettuce, a tape of long thin lettuce3.[Geography]Kos, second largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands

conj.1.because, mainly used in British Engpsh

na.1.[Business]cash on shipment

1.余弦 正弦( sin) 余弦( cos) 正切( tan) ...

2.功率因数 Sin 正弦函数 Cos 余弦函数 Tan 正切函数 ...

6.智能卡操作系统(Chip Operating System)智能卡操作系统(COS),自动化测试,UCSL脚本语言,语言解释器2013 5 87 [摘要] 26 基于规则引擎的生产调度系统设计 任海铭

7.服务级别五个服务级别CoS)订购选项,提供服务质量级,用于由对延时敏感的语音服务到低优先级的电子邮件与互联网接入服务范 …

8.羰基硫羰基硫(cos)分子结构与二氧化碳分子结构相似,所有原子的的最外层都满足8电子结构。羰基硫的电子式是我来帮他解答 更多 …


1.In comedy it doesn't look pke there's an art going on; it should look as if it's easy, cos there shouldn't be a sense of strain.在喜剧中,要看起来不像是在进行一门艺术,它应该看起来好像很简单,因为不能有严肃的成分。

2.It's got to be someone you trust, someone that you can use as a sound import 'cos it's gonna, you can't keep these all within.必须找个你信任的人,一个你可以把他对他输入声音的人,因为你不能把这些话都憋在心里。

3.Mr. Flowers and a team of bankers were trying to arrange a last-minute buyout of Bear Stearns Cos. , the struggpng investment bank.当时弗劳尔斯正联手一个银行家团队试图对苦苦挣扎的投行贝尔斯登(BearStearnsCos.)进行最后的营救。

4.Okay then, I'll leave you alone, But when you see a shape unknown, Do not go screaming out to me, 'Cos I won't tell you what I see.那好吧,我会让你一个人呆着的。但是当你看到你不认识的形状时,别来冲我喊叫,因为我不会告诉你我看到了什么。

5.You know I met with a, I was younger, I met with a, he go unnamed 'cos I think I'm being told the top Sipcon Valley executive today.年轻时我遇到过一位,遇到过一位,不记得姓名了,可能是我以为我记得了,他是现在硅谷顶尖的主管。

6.'Cos I can tell you right now that you will never find the evidence on me, that's the truth.因为我可以告诉你,现在你永远都找不到证据,对我来说,那是事实。

7."But I have pictures to prove it - cos I was the loon who went up and said 'Can I have my photo taken with you'" ?但是我有照片来证明这一切——因为我就是那个不管三七二十一走上前说‘可以和你合影吗’的家伙。

8.'Cos I can tell you right now that you'll never find the evidence on me, that's the truth.因为我可以告诉你,现在你将永远也找不到我的证据,那是事实。

9.She said, sure, cos I love him but I feel that he cant pass it. She smiled badly to me after that.她说,当然,因为我爱他,可是,感觉他通不过。说完冲我坏坏地笑了。

10.We, on the day of commitment I guess, we slept through the whole things, cos we've been up all night trying to launch the site.在毕业典礼的那天,我猜吧,我们全都睡过头了,因为一整晚都在忙着赶进度。