

image point

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1.象点 image 象集 image point 象点 image set 象集 ...

2.像点 image plane scanning 像面扫描 image point 像点 image processing 像处理 ...

3.影像点 第一时间 immediately/in no time 印象分 image point 青春饭 beauty-for-food ...

6.检查仪ewlett Packard)产彩色多普勒超声心动检查仪(Image point)对患者进行二维,M型及多普勒超声心动图检查,探头频率2.5 MHz…

7.对称点在24 x 36 mm的负片尺寸里只要有100万的影像粒子(image point),就足以跟更大尺寸的传统负片相竞争了。」事实上,Erwi…


1.cutting two-valued extraction result of the territorial waters original image point target through simple threshold values.通过简单阈值分割给出海域原图像点目标的二值化提取结果。

2.Read the form of a document control point and the image point coordinates.以文件形式读取控制点和像点坐标。,Photogrammetryprofessional。

3.A photograph transmitted by radio waves, each image point being reproduced by a received electric impulse.无线电传真通过无线电波传送的照片,图像上的点由接收到的每一个电脉冲重新合成

4.That is , a plane refracting surface does not image all rays from a point object at the same image point .就是说,平面折射面并不能将来自点物的所有光线都成象于同一家点。

5.The matching of image point correspondences is one basic problem in computer vision, which is also a core problem.对应点匹配是计算机视觉中的一个基本问题,也是一个核心问题。

6.Absrtact: Using stereo matching technique and the image point distance information can make the three-dimensional representation possible.摘要:应用立体匹配技术,通过像点获取景物的距离信息,使得三维立体再现成为可能。

7.Real-Time Detection Algorithm of Infrared Image Point Targets Based on Mathematic Morphology and Its Implementation on CPLD基于数学形态学的红外点目标实时检测算法及其CPLD实现

8.Performance practices, the actual situation from the image point of view of Li Bai at Writing is true, Du Fu's good at reapsm;表现手法方面,从意象的虚实上看李白善于写虚,杜甫善于写实;

9.from a combination of image point of view than the combination of Li Bai's image Lichtung. Du Fu's image portfopo more closely;从意象的组合上看李白的意象组合较疏朗,杜甫的意象组合较紧密;

10.The constraint method of epipolar pne for image point matching in vision measurement极线约束法在微波天线三维视觉测量点匹配中的应用