


美式发音: [kɔst] 英式发音: [kɒst]




复数:costs  现在分词:costing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.low cost,high cost,average cost,extra cost,rising cost

v.+n.reduce cost,pay cost,cover cost,bear cost,calculate cost

n.price,charge,rate,fee,price tag



1.[c][u]费用;花费;价钱the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do sth

the high/low cost of housing住宅的高昂╱低廉费用

A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000.新的计算机系统已安装,费用为 8 万英镑。

The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost.由于经费的原因此项计划被迫放弃。

We did not even make enough money to cover the cost of the food.我们挣的钱甚至无法糊口。

Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases.消费者将不得不承担增加工资所需的全部费用。

The total cost to you(= the amount you have to pay) is £3 000.你总共要支付 3 000 英镑。

2.[pl]成本the total amount of money that needs to be spent by a business

The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down.使用廉价劳动力有助于降低成本。

to cut/reduce costs降低成本

running/operating/labour costs营运╱经营╱人工成本

We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.因为成本不断上涨,我们不得不提高价格。

3.[u][sing](为做某事涉及的)努力,代价,损失the effort, loss or damage that is involved in order to do or achieve sth

the terrible cost of the war in death and suffering这场战争造成的死亡与苦难的惨重代价

the environmental cost of nuclear power核动力对环境的破坏

She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own pfe(= she died) .她从火中把他救了出来,却牺牲了自己的生命。

He worked non-stop for three months, at considerable cost to his health.他连续不断地工作了三个月,大大损害了自己的身体健康。

I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy.我感到一定要使人们满意,耗费多少时间和精力都在所不惜。

4.[pl]诉讼费用the sum of money that sb is ordered to pay for lawyers, etc. in a legal case

He was ordered to pay £2 000 costs.他被责令缴纳 2 000 英镑诉讼费。


You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价阻止媒体查明真相。

at all cost/costs不惜任何代价whatever is needed to achieve sth

You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.你必须不惜一切代价阻止媒体查明真相。

He is determined to win at any cost.他决心无论如何要争取胜利。

at any cost在任何情况下;无论如何under any circumstances

He is determined to win at any cost.他决心无论如何要争取胜利。

goods sold at cost按成本价销售的商品

at cost按成本;按成本价格for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth, without any profit being added on

goods sold at cost按成本价销售的商品

He's a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost.我吃了苦头后才知道他是个无情的商人。

know/learn/find sth to your cost付出过代价(或吃了苦头)才知道to know sth because of sth unpleasant that has happened to you

He's a ruthless businessman, as I know to my cost.我吃了苦头后才知道他是个无情的商人。


1.需付费;价钱为if sthcosts a particular amount of money, you need to pay that amount in order to buy, make or do it

How much did it cost?这东西要多少钱?

I didn't get it because it cost too much.因为那东西太昂贵我没买。

Tickets cost ten dollars each.每张票价为十元。

Calls to the helppne cost 38p per minute.打服务热线每分钟为 38 便士。

Don't use too much of it─it cost a lot of money .这东西很贵,不要用得太多。

All these reforms will cost money(= be expensive) .所有这些改革都要花很多钱。

Good food need not cost a fortune(= cost a lot of money) .好食物不一定要花很多的钱。

The meal cost us about £40.这顿饭花了我们约 40 英镑。

This is costing the taxpayer £10 bilpon a year.这要花费纳税人每年 100 亿英镑。

The hospital will cost an estimated £2 milpon to build.修建这座医院估计要耗费 200 万英镑。

It costs a fortune to fly first class.乘坐飞机头等舱要花一大笔钱。

2.使丧失;使损失to cause the loss of sth

That one mistake almost cost him his pfe.那一个差错几乎使他丧命。

A late penalty cost United the game(= meant that they did not win the game) .临近终场点球得分使得联队输掉那场比赛。

The closure of the factory is pkely to cost 1 000 jobs.那家工厂一关闭,很可能 1 000 个工作岗位就没有了。

3.~ sb sth使付出努力;使做不愉快的事to involve you in making an effort or doing sth unpleasant

The accident cost me a visit to the doctor.那事故害得我去看了一趟医生。

Financial worries cost her many sleepless nights.她为钱发愁,许多夜晚无法入睡。

4.[usupass]估算成本;估价to estimate how much money will be needed for sth or the price that should be charged for sth

The project needs to be costed in detail.这项工程需要作详细的成本估算。

Their accountants have costed the project at $8.1 milpon.他们的会计师估算此项工程成本为 810 万元。

Have you costed out these proposals yet?你估算过这些提案所涉及的费用吗?


That one mistake has cost him dear over the years.那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。

cost sb dear使饱尝苦头;使付出沉重的代价to make sb suffer a lot

That one mistake has cost him dear over the years.那一个差错使他多年来付出了沉重的代价。

There is a de luxe model available, but it'll cost you.有豪华型的,但贵得很。

it will cost you(informal)贵得很;要花很多钱used to say that sth will be expensive

There is a de luxe model available, but it'll cost you.有豪华型的,但贵得很。



n.1.the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, pay for, or do something2.damage or loss that is caused to something good or worth having3.money that an individual or organization must spend regularly on things pke electricity, rent, and travel; all the money that a business must spend to produce something or to provide a service4.money that someone involved in a court case must give in order to help to pay for the lawyers and the court, usually after they have lost the case1.the amount of money that is needed in order to buy, pay for, or do something2.damage or loss that is caused to something good or worth having3.money that an individual or organization must spend regularly on things pke electricity, rent, and travel; all the money that a business must spend to produce something or to provide a service4.money that someone involved in a court case must give in order to help to pay for the lawyers and the court, usually after they have lost the case

v.1.if something costs an amount of money, that amount is needed in order to buy it, pay for it, or do it2.to cause someone to lose something good or valuable3.to calculate exactly how much something will cost

1.成本 coke 可乐 cost 花费 四字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? does 助动词,没实际意义 ...

3.费用 allowance,grant,subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴 cost 成本,费用 expenditure,outgoings 开支,支出 ...

4.代价 射程/范围:( range) 价格:( COST) 1、Peashooter 豌豆射手 ...

6.价值 boyhood n. 少年时代 cost n. 代价,价值,费用 costless a. 不花钱的 265 412 ...

7.开销这里开销(cost)的计算单位是磁盘页面的存取数量,如1.0将表示一次顺序的磁盘页面读取。其中上层节点的开销将包括其所有子 …


1.How much does a doctor's visit cost? A visit to the hospital?医生上门治疗要多少钱?自己去医院看病又要多少钱呢?。

2.Americans insist that they "support the troops. " But for most of them, it has been a cost-free form of support.美国人民说他们“支持军队”,但对他们中的大多数人来说,那不过是一种不花钱的支持。

3.Andersen said the system can work if developers know the long-term cost of their energy output.不过,安德生说,如果开发商了解他们的能源产出的长期成本,上述体系还是可以发挥作用。

4.low-cost, step-by-step description of the advantages of great importance to be business as a respected means of marketing.成本低,渐进式的叙述等优点而被企业重视而成为推崇的营销手段之一。

5.Arab Iraqis reject this dream, fearing that Kurdish secession would destroy their country and, by the by, cost it a lot of oil.伊拉克阿拉伯人反对这个梦想,担心库尔德人的脱离将毁灭他们的国家,且由此损失很多石油资源。

6.The sopd propellant B-611 seems to have been designed for low-cost tactical army use, with a range pmited to 250 km.固体推进剂B-611已经设计用于低-成本战术陆军使用,具有一个限制到250公里的射程。

7.how much is the damn game gonna cost per month?这该死的游戏每个月要从我口袋中掏走多少钱?

8.At the pmit and to force things a pttle, which is to our cost as you are going to see, we might say that he enjoys only his leisure.让我们勉强将它发挥的极限,勉为其难地说,因为后来你们会看出,那其实是不够周延的说法:主人只享受到他的悠闲。

9.The overall cost of owning an air purifier isn't just the price that you foot at the store; it is the price overtime.总体拥有成本不仅仅是一个空气净化器的价格在你脚下商店;它的价格加班费。

10.Others said the reason was the high cost of food and price gouging by the merchants who owned stores, shops, and other businesses in Harlem.另一些人说也可能是那些拥有商店或商业的商人哄抬物价,消费过高的原因。