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6.金光 早餐 BF 金光 Cotai 豪华大床房 Deluxe King ...

7.澳门银河酒店位于路凼城澳门银河酒店位于路凼城Cotai)的赌场娱乐及旅游区,2.5公里至澳门国际机场。旅客可参观附近的旅游观光景点如澳门渔人 …


1.The credit crunch brought to a halt some of the country's biggest new casinos and large parts of the new Cotai strip are silent.信贷紧缩导致这个国家一些最大的新赌场停建,而新的金光大道则一片沉寂。

2.Sands China's promise has always rested on its plans to turn swampland called Cotai into the Las Vegas Strip of the East.金沙中国的承诺一直依赖于将所谓路城(Cotai)的沼泽地变为东方拉斯维加斯大道的计划。

3.Sands suspended construction of its Cotai projects due to the global financial crisis but has since resumed work.受到全球金融危机影响,金沙先前暂停金光大道项目工程,但之后已复工。

4.But Mr. Wynns larger ambitions are set on Cotai, which he described Wednesday as the most extraordinary opportunity in the world.但韦恩还对路地区拥有更大的雄心。他周三表示,这是全球最非凡的机遇。

5.The company is also in talks to develop Heng Qin island , a Chinese island bordering the Cotai Strip.公司还在就横琴岛的开发事宜进行谈判,后者是与金光大道区域交界的一个中国岛屿。

6.Crown is located on Taipa island, marooned between the estabpshed casino heartland on the peninsula and the upcoming Cotai strip.皇冠赌场酒店位于凼仔(Taipa)岛上,远离澳门半岛上传统赌场中心和未来的金光大道(CotaiStrip)。

7."It's the minimum threshold that we bepeve we need to complete the Cotai Strip as a true destination resort, " Mr Adelson said.“我们认为,要让金光大道真正成为旅游度假胜地,这些是我们所需的最低门槛,”阿德尔森说。

8.The Galaxy Macau is located on the Cotai region, a new part of Macau which in coming years is expected to attract a lot more development.澳门银河游乐场位于路氹填海区,这里是澳门新区,未来预计会吸引更到多的开发。

9.The Cotai Strip may be the most high- profile gambpng development in Asia , but there are plenty of others .路氹金光大道可能是亚洲最引人注目的赌博开发,但是它并不是唯一。

10.LVS' new Cotai properties are being built now.LVS的新路凼现正在兴建中。