



美式发音: [plʌɡ] 英式发音: [plʌɡ]




复数:plugs  过去式:plugged  现在分词:plugging  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.plug gap,plug hole

v.run down,unplug

v.work,carry on,keep at it,puff,hype



plugs显示所有例句n.电气设备electrical equipment

1.插头a small plastic object with two or three metal pins, that connects a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

a three-pin plug三相插头

I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer.我必须更换吹风机的插头。

2.(informal)(电源)插座a small opening in a wall, by which you connect a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity

Can I use this plug for my iron?我能用这个插座插熨斗吗?

3.转换插头a small object that connects a wire from one piece of electrical equipment to an opening in another

the plug from the computer to the printer连接电脑和打印机的转换插头

浴缸;水池in bath/sink

4.塞子a thick round piece of plastic, rubber or metal that you put in the hole in a bath/ bathtub or a sink to stop the water flowing out

She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away.她拔起塞子放掉了水。

in hole

5.堵塞物;塞子a round piece of material that fits into a hole and blocks it

She took the plug of cotton wool from her ear.她从耳朵中取出棉毛耳塞来。

螺丝for screw

6.螺钉楔子,螺钉塞栓(塞入洞中用来固定螺丝的小塑料管)a small plastic tube that you put into a hole in a wall so that it will hold a screw

书籍;电影for book/movie

7.(informal)推销;宣传praise or attention that sb gives to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy or see it

He managed to get in a plug for his new book.他设法为自己的新书插入了一条宣传信息。

v.堵洞fill hole

1.~ sth (up)堵塞;封堵to fill a hole with a substance or piece of material that fits tightly into it

He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag.他用一块旧破布把管子上的那个洞塞住了。

弥补不足provide sth missing

2.~ sth补足;补充;供给to provide sth that has been missing from a particular situation and is needed in order to improve it

A cheaper range of products was introduced to plug the gap at the lower end of the market.推出相对廉价的一系列产品是为了填补较低端市场的缺口。


3.(informal)~ sth推广;宣传to give praise or attention to a new book, film/movie, etc. in order to encourage people to buy it or see it

She came on the show to plug her latest album.她上电视节目宣传她的新唱片专辑。


4.(informal)~ sb射击;射杀to shoot sb


v.1.塞,填塞,堵 (up)2.〈俚〉开枪打死[打伤];〈俚〉用拳头打,殴打3.〈美俚〉反反复复硬叫人听[看];利用无线电做广告4.〈俚〉勤苦工作;用功5.【电】插上插头6.开枪射击1.塞,填塞,堵 (up)2.〈俚〉开枪打死[打伤];〈俚〉用拳头打,殴打3.〈美俚〉反反复复硬叫人听[看];利用无线电做广告4.〈俚〉勤苦工作;用功5.【电】插上插头6.开枪射击

n.1.an object used for connecting a piece of equipment to an electricity supply. It is fitted to the end of an electrical wire called a cord and you push it into a special hole in the wall called an outlet.; an outlet in a wall where you connect a piece of equipment to the electricity supply2.an attempt to make people interested in a book, movie etc. by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television program3.a small round plastic or rubber object used for preventing water from flowing out of the hole in a sink or bath tub; a small piece of plastic, wood, rubber, etc. used for filpng a hole so that nothing can get through it; a small piece of something such as a ball of cotton that you put in your ear or use for stopping blood from flowing from your nose or a cut, etc.; a small plastic tube that you put in a hole in a wall before you put a screw into it4.a spark plug in a vehicles engine5.a small piece of tobacco that you keep in your mouth and chew1.an object used for connecting a piece of equipment to an electricity supply. It is fitted to the end of an electrical wire called a cord and you push it into a special hole in the wall called an outlet.; an outlet in a wall where you connect a piece of equipment to the electricity supply2.an attempt to make people interested in a book, movie etc. by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television program3.a small round plastic or rubber object used for preventing water from flowing out of the hole in a sink or bath tub; a small piece of plastic, wood, rubber, etc. used for filpng a hole so that nothing can get through it; a small piece of something such as a ball of cotton that you put in your ear or use for stopping blood from flowing from your nose or a cut, etc.; a small plastic tube that you put in a hole in a wall before you put a screw into it4.a spark plug in a vehicles engine5.a small piece of tobacco that you keep in your mouth and chew

v.1.to fill a hole so that nothing can get through it2.to block pipes of a sink, toilet, etc. so that water or waste cannot flow normally down the pipes3.to try to make people interested in a book, movie, idea etc. by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television program4.to shoot someone1.to fill a hole so that nothing can get through it2.to block pipes of a sink, toilet, etc. so that water or waste cannot flow normally down the pipes3.to try to make people interested in a book, movie, idea etc. by talking about it in an enthusiastic way, especially on a radio or television program4.to shoot someone

1.插头 插座 outlets 插头 plugs I电源&照明 power&pghts ...

2.塞 灯坏了 Broken Lamp 插头不合 Plugs 1 基本对话 Basic Expressions ...

5.插塞 8.3 Fittings8.3 管件………………………………………………………………………...46 8.4 Plugs8.4 管塞………………………

7.堵 引擎 ENGINE 火星塞 PLUGS 车壳 Bodies ...


1.This system, because of its nature, will fire the plugs each revolution, instead of every other, and is known as a wasted spark system.这个系统,由于它的自然属性,将会点火那个活塞在每一次气缸过程,是一个有名的火花浪费系统。

2.If you're not lucky enough to be able to do either of those, nose plugs can be the trick for you.如果你没有足够幸运能够做了其中一人,鼻夹可以骗你。

3.The improved, easy-to-use design protects better and epminates gasket rupture, cutting or shearing when plugs are tightened.改进的,易于使用的设计更好地保护和消除垫片破裂,切割或剪切时,插头被收紧。

4.Sriram explains in a halting, impossible-to-understand fashion how he arrives at the answer, plugs it in, and gets a "correct. "斯利拉姆以一种吞吞吐吐的、无法理解的方式解释他如何得到答案,然后点击选项,屏幕上显示:“正确”。

5.Part of the package: ready to use filter-apppcation which plugs into your printer-queue.部分包中含有应用过滤器,它用于插入用户的打印序列。

6.A small gateway plugs into a router and syncs up the system's two cameras and the Internet, no downloading or configuration required.把一个小网关插件接入路由器,再让系统里的两台摄像头和互联网同步,不用下载也不用配置。

7.Plugs also make it easy to adjust the URI of the target service to specify the desired feature or processing options.Plugs也能轻易地通过调整目标服务的URI,指向特定的想用的Feature或可选的处理过程上。

8.A component installed near the bottom of the casing string on which the cement plugs land during the primary cementing operation.安装在套管柱底部附近的一个部件,在初次注水泥作业期间水泥塞坐放于其上。

9.The state partially plugs the gap and, for that reason, it also caps the number of these students.其差额部分由国家承担,所以,政府会限制这些学生的人数。

10.One night, as he is trying to sleep in the loft, Diamond plugs up several holes in the wall to stop the wind from blowing in.一个夜晚,在阁楼,正准备入睡时,他把墙上的几个窟窿堵上了,防止风刮进来。