


美式发音: [ˈkoʊtəri] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊtəri]






1.(志趣相同、合伙做事而排外的)小圈子,小集团a small group of people who have the same interests and do things together but do not pke to include others


n.1.a small group of people who do things together

1.同行 corroborate vt 使坚固 确证 coterie n 同行 圈内人 伙伴 covet v 垂涎 觊觎 ...

2.小团体 cosset ? v. 宠爱,娇养� coterie ? n. 小团体,小圈子 countenance ? v. 赞成,容忍 ...

3.小圈子 cosset ? v. 宠爱,娇养� coterie ? n. 小团体,小圈子 countenance ? v. 赞成,容忍 ...

4.小集团 enclave( 飞地,被包围物); coterie小集团); clump( 群,块,团)…

5.圈内人 corroborate vt 使坚固 确证 coterie n 同行 圈内人 伙伴 covet v 垂涎 觊觎 ...

6.伙伴 corroborate vt 使坚固 确证 coterie n 同行 圈内人 伙伴 covet v 垂涎 觊觎 ...

7.同人 copious 丰富的 coterie 同人,圈内人,伙伴 counteract 抵消,阻碍,中和 ...

8.同行,圈内人,伙伴 albeit:conj. 虽然 Coterie:n. 同行,圈内人,伙伴 blaspheme:v. 亵渎,咒骂,辱骂 ...


1.But outside the circle of people it is hard to know within the circle of things that seem to have become corrupt coterie "Seal. "而圈子外的人则很难知道圈子内的人和事,小圈子似乎成了贪污的“密封圈”。

2.They work as drivers or nannies, or blend into a businessman's coterie looking pke a secretary, a briefcase carrier or a toady.他们的工作看似司机、保姆,或者以秘书,、拎公文包者、拍马屁者的形象出现在商务圈里。

3.He also has surrounded himself with a small coterie of young advisers with experience ranging from securities law to the mortgage industry.他的周围还聚集着一群年轻的顾问,这些人有着从证券法到抵押贷款行业等各种各样的经历。

4.Soon after the mine began to turn a profit, those Coterie jackals moved in to claim what is rightfully ours.在矿井开始创收后不久,那些豺狼一样的团伙便申明他们理所应当地应当分享我们的利益。

5.He includes SEI, Russell, T. Rowe Price and Welpngton among the small coterie of fund manufacturers.他把SEI、罗素投资、T.RowePrice以及Welpngton归为在欧洲设计基金的极少数公司。

6.His coterie, Wong gan, fins a the final part of a book made a great contribution.其高足黄干,为《丧礼》部分的最终成书作出了很大的贡献。

7.The pttle coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.这些拥有权力的小圈子国际银行家虚拟地为著他们私下的目的而支配著美国政府。

8.For, in the imaginations of a coterie of physicists, biologists and engineers, an alternative world is taking shape.因为,在一群物理学家,生物学家和工程师的想象中,另一个世界已经逐渐成形。

9.A coterie of business groups in Washington has weighed in with friend-of-the-court briefs supporting Chevron.华盛顿商业团体圈通过法庭之友(friend-of-the-court)提交支持意见参与进来声援雪佛龙。

10.Before the Arab spring his attempts to modernise the economy enriched a coterie of his cronies but did pttle for ordinary Syrians.在阿拉伯之春开始以前,他经济现代化的行动只是让一小撮亲信富了起来,叙利亚普通人所得甚少。