




1.莫尼 Monica 莫妮卡 Mony 莫尼 Moreen 莫琳 ...

2.小舞 ... 娜娜 NanaNews 小舞 Mony 爱爱 love ...

3.表状态或物品 (therm+os 物品) (testi+mony 表状态或物品) (theo+log 研究+ ...

4.有钱 ... har (哈)- mony有钱) Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity (生产 …

5.泓本实业有限公司 北京施德乐科技发展中心 BEIJING STOLLER SCIENCE 泓本实业(上海)有限公司 M

6.慕妮 珂美 COMY 慕妮 MONY 恩娇 ENJO ...

7.马妮 Mary 玛莉 Mony 马妮 Maryan 玛莉安 ...


1.Where are your hopdays? How is far away your home? How much mony ?您上个假期的地方在哪里?它离您的家有多远?到那儿花费多少钱?。

2.the young man was very miserable. he had no mony about him. all his savings had been stolen.这个年轻人真可怜,他身无分文,所有的积蓄都被偷了。

3.Making pttle mony, being a pttle short, walking a pttle step.钱挣得少了点,人长得矮了点,步子迈的小了点,

4.Name, address, telephone nr and everything I need to make sure where I send the mony .姓名、地址、电话号码以及其他所有我汇钱给妳时需要知道的信息。

5.From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dis har mony .生命中总有些时刻会感到焦虑不安、烦躁、不和谐、痛苦;

6.I gave him what pttle mony I had.我竭尽绵薄之力将仅钱都给了他。

7.I have many mony in the bank.我在行里有很多。

8.Money, everyone needs mony.我们每个人都需要钱。

9.If they want to make more mony, they will become dock workers at the dock or sell newspapers.如果他们想要挣更多的钱,他们要么在码头做码头工人,或是卖报纸。

10.He was embarrassed by lack of mony.他因缺钱而感到一筹莫展。