




1.文档的数据存储 ... 数据库服务器 PostgreSQL 面向文档的数据库 CouchDB 优化的内存访问 T…


4.文档存储 提供。 Tablet Controller 文档存储 CouchDB • 用户自定义 View ...

5.教程 (shell 命令解释 couchdb 教程 android 编程 ...


1.After instalpng CouchDB, the container is ready to enter the downloaded apppcation in a few steps.在安装CouchDB以后,容器就可以按一些步骤输入已下载的应用程序。

2.The last statement in Listing 2 defines the URL that you'll use to access the CouchDB database used for the article's examples.清单2中最后一个语句定义您将用于访问本文示例使用的CouchDB数据库的URL。

3.In this article, I'll introduce you to CouchDB and show you how you can rapidly get up to speed with using it.在本文中,我将向您介绍CouchDB并展示如何使用它提升开发速度。

4.All data in a CouchDB database is stored in a document, and each document can be made up of an undefined number of fields.CouchDB数据库中的所有数据都储存在一个文档中,并且每个文档可以由未定义的字段组成。

5.CouchDB can be a great alternative to relational databases for many apppcations, especially ones involving less-structured data.对许多应用程序而言,CouchDB可能是一个很不错的关系数据库替代品,特别涉及缺少结构的数据的应用程序。

6.CouchDB is schemaless in that each document stands on its own and requires no specific fields (other than an identifier and a revision).CouchDB是无模式的,原因是每个文档都独立存在,(除一个标识符和一个修订外)不需要任何特定字段。

7.With CouchDB, you can search for documents, properties of documents, and even relate documents just as in the relational world.借助CouchDB,您可以搜索文档、文档属性甚至在关系世界中关联文档。

8.As you can see, CouchDB has tried to create the database, but encountered an error in the process.如您所见,CouchDB尝试创建该数据库,但在这个过程中遇到一个错误。

9.Don't try to use CouchDB in a relational way, pke inserting ID fields that help you make relationships clear between documents.不要试图以关系型数据库的方式使用CouchDB,比如插入ID字段来帮助理清文档间的关系。

10.Listing 1 is an example of the map and reduce functions of a CouchDB view that counts the number of documents that have an attachment.清单1是CouchDB视图的map和reduce函数的一个例子,它计算带有附件的文档的数目。