


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kuːmərɪn]





na.1.The variant of coumarine

1.香豆素 Coulomb-Navier criterion 库仑-纳维尔强度准则 coumarin 氧杂萘邻酮 coumarone 苯并呋喃 ...

4.香豆素类des) 、黄酮醇苷类 (f lavonol) 、香豆素类 (coumarin) 、垂体后叶催产激素 (oxytocin) 类物质及干扰素诱导体等。


6.全草含香豆精全草含黄酮甙、酚类、氨基酸,全草含香豆精(coumarin)编辑本段功能主治 清热解毒,凉血解毒。


1.Result: Up to now, the chemical components isolated from F. assafoetid include mainly essential oil, coumarin, and phenylpropanoids.结果:目前为止,已发现的化学成分主要有挥发油、香豆素和苯丙素类成分。

2.Warfarin, a coumarin derivative, is widely used as an oral anticoagulant drug in the treatment and prevention of thromboembopc disorders.华法林属双香豆素衍生物,是常用的口服抗凝血药,可预防和治疗血栓栓塞性疾病。

3.The process of binding coumarin molecule on BSA was a spontaneous molecular interaction procedure in which entropy was increased.结合过程的热力学参数变化表明,上述相互作用过程是一个熵增的自发分子间作用过程。

4.Objective: To compare the pharmacological effect of the main coumarin constituents of Peucedanum praeruptorum from Jiangxi and He nan.目的:比较江西和河南产白花前胡香豆素类主成分的药理作用。

5.The prominence of coumarin in natural products and biologically active molecules has promoted considerable efforts toward their synthesis.由于它在天然产物中的重要性以及它的生物活性引发了人们对它们的合成兴趣。

6.Coumarin and its derivatives were widely distributed throughout nature, and exhibited diverse bioactivities.香豆素及其衍生物在自然界中分布极其广泛,生物活性多样。

7.Objective: To understand the progress of study on coumarin of angepca dahuricae.前言:目的了解中药白芷香豆素类成分的研究进展。

8.Researchers have identified six coumarin derivatives that exert antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects.研究人员发现,造成六名香豆素衍生物、安神扩血管效应。

9.It was suitable for measuring the total content of coumarin in Chuan Baizhi.以欧前胡素为对照,对不同川白芷样品进行了总香豆素含量测定。

10.We demonstrate experimentally the coherent control of the two-photon transitions in Coumarin 515 by ultrafast pulse shaping technique.我们通过超快脉冲整形技术方法在实验上实现了在香斗素515中双光子跃迁的相干控制。