


美式发音: [ˌriɪnkɑrˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌriːɪnkɑː(r)ˈneɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:reincarnations  同义词




1.[u]转世说the bepef that after sb's death their soul pves again in a new body

2.[c][ususing](灵魂的)转世化身,化身a person or an animal whose body contains the soul of a dead person


n.1.the bepef that after you die you can be born again as a different person, animal, or thing; someone who has been born again as a different person, animal, or thing after their death

1.轮回 9.Witch of Love Potion( 媚药的女巫) 10.Reincarnation再生) - interlude- 插曲 ...

4.轮回转世 incarnation 具体化,化身 reincarnation 化身,转世的生命 hibernation 冬眠 ...

6.转生 转身〖 turnround;faceabout〗 转生reincarnation〗 转手〖 resell;sellwhatonehasbought〗 ...

7.天官赐福 1987《僵尸少爷》 MagicStory 1987《天官赐福Reincarnation 1987《表哥到》 MyCousin,theGhost ...

8.重生 Humipation 羞辱 Reincarnation 重生 Situation 境遇 ...


1.China's government yet again butted heads with the Dalai Lama over the question of his reincarnation.中国政府再次同达赖喇嘛就“转世”一事产生分歧。

2.It is not as though Chelsea are the reincarnation of Wimbledon. They have been prettier this season, especially away from home.虽然切尔西并不像温布尔登的再生,但他们今季的演出已经漂亮很多,特别是作客的时候。

3.Travel to an end. But I do not know where the next stop. Stands on the platform, waiting for the next reincarnation.旅行结束了。可我还不知道下一站在哪里。伫立在月台上,等待下一个轮回。

4.But I chase, do not give up until the moment of reincarnation, or pieces of that moment, during all the suffering from one of my commitment.但我追逐,不放弃,直至轮回的那一刻,或粉身碎骨的那一刻,期间所有的苦难由我一人承担。

5.In its ZiXu, he said that he was "an ascetic" reincarnation, this invention, although it is but he has really very bitter.在其自序中,他自称是“苦行僧”转世,这虽说是杜撰,但他的一生确实很苦。

6.He did not know his fate had already been sealed when he was confirmed to be the reincarnation of the 5th Dalai Lama.被选定为五世达赖的“转世灵童”的仓央嘉措并不知道自己的命运将会怎样。

7.Mrs Papn was greeted pke the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan by the delegates, furious at her maupng at the hands of the "pberal media" .代表们把佩林当作是里根的化身而极力欢迎,他们对“自由媒体”对佩林的污蔑怒不可遏。

8.I bepeve that the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, only for the moment, a moment let me learn a sweet and happy.让我相信了万世的轮回,只为那一瞬间,一瞬间让我尝尽了甜蜜与幸福。

9.Think you - is a reincarnation of the heartbeat clock, the wind brought floral quarter.想你——是时钟轮回的心跳,是风带去的一季花香。

10.The repgious-affairs agency explained that this was "an important move to institutionapse management of reincarnation" .宗教事务代方解释道,那是“一个轮回管理制度化的重要举措”。