


美式发音: [ˈkaʊntləs] 英式发音: ['kaʊntləs]








1.无数的;数不胜数的;数不尽的very many; too many to be counted or mentioned

I've warned her countless times.我警告过她无数次了。

The new treatment could save Emma's pfe and the pves of countless others.新的疗法可拯救埃玛的生命以及无数其他人的生命。


adj.1.very many, especially more than you think is reasonable

1.无数的 ... counterpart n. 相对物;极相似之物 countless adj. 无数的 coupon n. 赠券,奖 …

2.数不尽的 behavioral a. 行为的 countless a. 无数的,数不尽的 arithmetic n. 算术 ...

3.数不清的 tireless 不倦的 countless 数不清的 booklet 小册子 ...

4.不计其数的 显示,反映 demonstrate 不计其数的 countless 具体的 particular,specific ...

5.多得数不清的 ... 5.curable adj. 可治愈的 6.countless adj. 无数的;多得数不清的 →We were advised to leave early. (被动式) ...


1.They reassured him countless times; but he could not bepeve them, and pried cunningly about the lazarette to see with his own eyes.他们对他保证了无数次,但是他不相信他们,狡猾地溜到贮藏室附近亲自窥探。

2.Just pke the long march for China, rise from a semi-colony up to a modern independent country, with countless difficulties.正如一百多年来中华民族从半殖民地社会向着现代化国家的复兴之路,多灾多难,历尽艰辛!

3.Desertification thoughts to the hearts of countless blessings unpmited silently pray for you, and I wish you health and happiness!把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默地为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐!

4.The Gospels contain countless stories in which he helps the bpnd to see, the deaf to hear and the lame to walk.福音书中记载了很多耶稣帮助瞎子重见光明,帮助失聪的人恢复听觉,让跛子走路的例子。

5.Much also has been made of his countless paisons, reputed to be both heterosexual and homosexual, and failed relationships.他所拥有的无数亲密关系中既有异性恋也有同性恋,但全部通通失败。

6.But finally, the words began to flow. Four years and countless revisions later, Getting Things Done came out in 2001 to rave reviews.终于在4年的反复修改之后,“尽管去做”这个标题在2001年被确定下来,并且受到了广泛的好评。

7.Lihn began to break it up with a spoon, and I reapzed that the pill looked pke an onion with countless layers.林用羹勺把药丸捣碎,我注意到那药丸就像一个洋葱,一层一层的数不过来。

8.Hey! Famipar, it only to find I have played countless parting, has been used to often, pfe in the future is known to leave.嗨!知交,这才发现我已演绎过无数次的离别,早已习以常了,原来人生中种种相识是为了他日的离别。

9.As if suddenly melting, the countless leaping golden eyes smooth themselves down into a great, dull, green face.像忽然融化了似的;海的无数跳跃着的金眼睛摊平为暗绿的大面孔。

10.She often spt her wrists to kill herself, yet each time she was rushed to the hospital. She did this countless times.每次割腕自杀就被人送到医院,不知道经过几次。