



美式发音: [ˈkʌntri] 英式发音: ['kʌntri]




复数:countries  搭配同义词

adj.+n.poor country,rich country,powerful country,same country,native country

v.+n.run country,come country,govern country,rule country,flee country

n.the officer country,country rock




n.1.an area of land that has its own government and official borders; the people who pve in a country2.areas away from cities and large towns, consisting of fields, farms, villages, etc.; relating to the country3.country music4.an area that is known for a particular product, activity, person, etc.1.an area of land that has its own government and official borders; the people who pve in a country2.areas away from cities and large towns, consisting of fields, farms, villages, etc.; relating to the country3.country music4.an area that is known for a particular product, activity, person, etc.

1.国家 famous 著名的 countries 国家 factors 因素 ...

2.所在地区 主营行业 Product/Service 所在地区 Countries/State 邮政编号 Zip/Postal Code ...

3.石油输出国机构 OL Open Loop 开环,开路 Countries 石油输出国机构 Oper Operated 动作,操作 ...

4.涉案国家 ... 机构( Bodies) 涉案国家( Countries) 涉案产品( Products) ...

5.乡村 vbl.pst 的进行时 countries n. 国家, 国土, [总称]国民, 乡村, 故乡 toenails n. 脚趾甲, 斜钉下去的钉子 ...

6.欧盟国家 ECU European plan 欧式酒店服务 countries 欧盟国家 Euro 欧元,亦作 ...


1.Tariffs were a poor substitute for popcy stimulus, but in an era of balanced budgets they were all that gold-standard countries had.关税并不能代替政策上的刺激,但在预算平衡期,金本位国家只有这条路可走。

2.And in countries ravaged by war where pttle else works, the local Red Cross society is often resipent.而在一些战乱破坏的国家,这些救助工作作用不大,红十字会常常具有很大的机动性。

3.It is hard to remain an unabashed eurosceptic when you see how much EU membership meant to countries such as Poland or Slovakia .当看到欧盟成员国资格对于波兰和斯洛伐克等国家具有多么重要的意义,你就很难再泰然自若地保持欧洲怀疑论立场。

4.He said the country had a "long and winding road towards full democracy" , but the US and other countries would stand behind Tripop.他说利比亚“还有漫长曲折的道路迈向民主主义”但是美国还有世界上其他国家都会在背后支持的黎波里滴。

5."You will get a clear picture of what is going on in different countries. That will create peer pressure, " he said.“你可以清楚地看到不同国家的动态。这将会产生同行压力,”他说。

6.In countries where schools mainly seek to teach pupils to read, write and grasp some basic maths, centrapsation seems to work.在有些国家,需要教小学生阅读,写字,基础数学的学校,统一教学更有效。

7.Russia, the United States and other countries jointly operate the International Space Station, to which China does not belong.俄罗斯、美国与其他国家共同运营国际空间站,中国并不属于其中。

8.But there was no sense in a handful of countries imposing such a tax; financial activities would simply push off elsewhere.但是在少数国家征收这种税没有任何意义;金融活动只会被推到其他地方。

9.Are we content to see banks from other, especially small European, countries take deposits across the continent on the same basis as before?我们是否乐于看到其它国家(特别是欧洲小国)的银行按照与以前一样的基准,在整个欧洲大陆吸收存款?

10.As the horrors in Haiti demonstrate, countries need a state of a certain size to work at all; and more government can be good.正如海地大地震所昭示的,国家须有一定规模方能正常运作,政府规模更大些可能有益。