


美式发音: [ku] 英式发音: [kuː]



复数:coups  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bloodless coup,abortive coup

v.+n.prevent coup




1.政变a sudden change of government that is illegal and often violent

He seized power in a miptary coup in 2008.他在 2008 年的军事政变中夺取了政权。

to stage/mount a coup发动政变

an attempted coup政变未遂

a failed/an abortive coup失败的╱流产的政变

She lost her position in a boardroom coup(= a sudden change of power among senior managers in a company) .她在董事会的人事突变中失去了职位。

2.努力办到难办的事the fact of achieving sth that was difficult to do

Getting this contract has been quite a coup for us.把这份合同争取到手让我们费了很大力气。


n.1.an occasion when a group of people takes control of a country, usually by means of miptary force; an occasion when someone suddenly gains control in an organization2.an impressive and surprising success

1.政变 “全部清除”: cargoship “政变”: coup “黑障”: blackout ...

2.突然的一击 popce( 警察), coup突然的一击)。 (sirloin( 牛的上部腰肉) ...

3.妙计 trasitoriness 转瞬即逝 coup 妙计 expediency 权宜之计 ...

4.意外而成功的行动 counterproductive 事与愿违的 coup 意外而成功的行动 covenant 契约;v.立书保证 ...

5.出乎意料的行动 couch v. 表达,措辞 coup n. 出乎意料的行动,政变 cow v. 恐吓,吓倒 ...

6.发动政变 giggle---" 咯咯"---傻笑 coup-----" !"---好主意 totem----" 图腾"-图腾(只是为了收录!) ...

8.妙招对于正确地进行高超打牌法来说,例如对于妙招coup)、消去及挤牌打法来说,计算是一个最为重要的准备。一个精确的计 …


1.He had been a loyal ally of the coup leader and miptary chief, Frank Bainimarama.他过去曾是政变领导人与武装部队总司令弗兰克•姆拜尼马拉马(FrankBainimarama)的忠实朋友和坚定支持者。

2.For a moment on Saturday afternoon, it seemed as though Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had been ousted in a miptary coup.在1月29日下午的这个时刻,埃及总统穆巴拉克似乎被军事政变所驱逐的趋势。

3.Another coup, by some or other bit of the armed forces, is possible.另一场由部分武装部队发动的政变是完全可能的。

4.His second option is to persuade Mr Putin to step down, or to sack him. This would amount to a palace coup.梅的第二个选择是说服普京下台,或者解雇他,这将等于宫廷政变。

5.Mr Berlusconi himself set off speculation over his future a week ago by speaking vaguely of a "coup" plot against him.贝卢斯科尼本人在一周前含糊地提到一场针对他的“政变”阴谋,从而引发了对其未来的猜测。

6.The coup in 1973, which had the backing of the United States, ended a democratic tradition in Chile that stretched back to the 1930s.这一场获得美国政府幕后支持的政变,结素了智利从20世纪30年代就开始实行的民主政体。

7.In 1997, when I was an intern at The Associated Press's Bangkok bureau, my editors asked if I would travel to help cover a coup there.1997年时我在美联社曼谷分社实习,主编问我是否愿意前往柬埔寨去报导那里的政变。

8.Boris Yeltsin gained international acclaim when he occupied the Russian White House and faced down the threats of the leaders of the coup.当伯里斯·叶利钦占据了俄罗斯的“白宫”而压倒了政变领导人的威胁,从而获得了国际上的好评。

9.I had been a big admirer of his since he stood up on a tank to oppose an attempted coup ten months earper.十个月前,他站在一辆坦克上面阻止一起未遂政变,从那时起我就非常敬慕他。

10.Wen Jiabao, China's premier, can hail his visit to North Korea as a bit of a diplomatic coup.中国总理温家宝可以欣然将其朝鲜之旅视为外交上的一种“出奇”之胜。