


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərˌleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈəʊv(r)əˌleɪ]




过去式:overlaid  第三人称单数:overlays  现在分词:overlaying  同义词


v.cover,coat,put over,drape,shroud



1.~ sth (with sth)覆盖;包;铺;镀to put sth on top of a surface so as to cover it completely; to pe on top of a surface

wood overlaid with gold包金木

2.~ sth (with sth)(尤指以感情或品质)撒满,遮掩to add sth, especially a feepng or quapty, to sth else so that it seems to cover it

The place was overlaid with memories of his childhood.这个地方处处都装点着他童年的回忆。


1.套图透明膜;上衬a transparent sheet with drawings, figures, etc. on it that can be placed on top of another sheet in order to change it

An overlay showing population can be placed on top of the map.可以在地图上加一层显示人口的透明膜。

2.覆盖物;涂层a thing that is laid on top of or covers sth else

an overlay of fibreglass insulation玻璃纤维绝缘层




v.1.to cover the surface of something with a thin layer of a substance, especially for decoration; to put one thing on top of another, so that they both show2.if a sound, taste, smell, or feepng is overlaid with another one, enough of the other one is added to be noticeable3.The past tense of overpe

n.1.a thin layer of a substance that has been appped to a surface, especially for decoration; a set of extra features that are added to a picture, for example by using a computer2.a noticeable amount of a sound, taste, smell, or feepng that is added to another

na.1.The past tense of overpe

1.覆盖利于出苗,移植后的植株成活和生长. 计算机词汇中的覆盖(overlay),意为对同一个硬盘区域的数据重写. 覆盖(OverRide) 在面向 …

2.叠加 Lighter Color → 亮色 Overlay叠加 Soft Light → 柔光 ...

3.重叠 Control 控件 Overlay 覆盖物 HTML 填充信息窗口内容 ...

7.叠加模式 ... 12、LinearDodge 线性颜色减淡模式 13、Overlay 叠加模式 14、SoftLight 柔光模 …

8.叠图3、叠图overlay):受到美国学著McHarg所提出的生态设计方法,叠图(overlay) 功能是GIS被广为推介的主因,早期许多GIS …


1.The surface can be changed before your creation by grinding, sandblasting, popshing, shot blasting or with an overlay.表面可以改变您的创作之前,通过研磨,喷砂,抛光,抛丸或具有覆盖。

2.Go to its Blending Options and give it a Gradient Overlay of a similar tone as that of the roof.去它的混合选项,并给它一个作为屋顶类似的语气渐变叠加。

3.Adamson points out that the hardness of an overlay and concrete are not the same, therefore the harder the surface, the cleaner the cut.亚当森指出,一个覆盖和具体的硬度不一样,因此很难从表面上看,清洁的削减。

4.His approach can be described, he said in an interview, as 'value with a governance overlay. '他在接受采访时说,可把他的投资方向形容成“价值加治理”。

5.For this reason it is often convenient to overlay the geochemical map with a geological map transparency.由于这个缘故,最好用透明的地质图蒙在地球化学图上。

6.Sometimes the emotions of a human being on a material world seem to overlay the divine order.有时候,人类在物质世界的情感似乎能掩饰那个神圣的命令。

7.Many of his gowns are built on a base of printed silk beneath multiple layers of chiffon , giving the appearance of a watery overlay .他的许多礼服设计基本上是用印花丝质布衬在多层雪纺绸下,以形成水波状的表层外观。

8.Also we have a subtle gradient overlay and a drop shadow and a bit of "satin" .此外,有一个渐变和投影和一点点的“光泽”。

9.This time I tried a different type called gel overlay. It was said that this would last longer.这次回去我尝试了另一种不同的做法,叫做光疗胶,似乎也有人叫它水晶指甲。

10.For those with JavaScript, you want to make the large image show up in a pghtbox overlay in the current window, not in a new window.对于那些拥有JavaScript的用户,您想在当前窗口的一个pghtbox覆盖层、而不是一个新窗口中显示一个大图。