





coursewarecoursewareD.J.:[ˈkɔ:sˌweə, ˈkəʊrs-]K.K.:[ˈkɔrsˌwɛr, ˈkors-]n.


[mass noun]computer programs or other material designed for use in an educational or training course


1. The author of this paper gave the design point of the courseware for multimedia CAI in the rabbit farming science with Authorware 6.


2. Realizing the courseware's configuration which depends on theteaching design and the contents of the teaching cell using Authorware.


3. The premiere6.5 software recently promoted by Adobe Corporation demonstrated a stronger superiority in making multimedia courseware.


4. As a new type teaching mode, CAI is developing very fast and the development of courseware is the prerequisite for CAI.


5. And we study on the constructivism theory as a theoretic basis for the courseware made with a famous software: Macromedia Flash.


6. IBM Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning allows you to manage classroom-based and e-learning activities, resources, curriculums, and courseware catalogs across your enterprise.

IBM Lotus Workplace Collaborative Learning允许管理企业中基于课堂的和电子学习活动、资源、课程和课程软件目录。

7. Lionbridge instructional designers are experts at courseware development for instructor-led training (ILT).


8. Lionbridge has courseware development expertise in a variety of areas, including IT applications and K-12 learning.


9. Abstract: “The Aberrance of Chromosome” is very important in Genetics , it's also very difficult.So the CAI courseware of “The Aberrance of Chromosome” is very necessary .


10. Experiments of Computer Theory,a multimedia courseware for virtual laboratory on Internet, completed with software Authorware 6.0, Frontpage 98 and Flash 5.0. Hot area,button and target area are widely used in this courseware .

《微机原理实验》网络虚拟实验课件主要采用 Authorware6.0 ,Frontpage98,Flash5 .0制作。

11. A successful Web courseware ought to make full use of interactive techniques and satisfy the teaching need of a certain course, so it is a sort of recreation.


12. An educational software. Computer programs that are used for education and training are often referred to as courseware rather than software.


13. Shanghai Jiaotong University s data structure and algorithm courseware, Liu Chuxiong version.


14. Authorware is the production of a small courseware Oh!


15. USTC Software Engineering, UML software architecture courseware, very useful!


16. Bookless Learning TM education software delivers internationally recognised high quality courseware for students and teachers at low cost.


17. Second, how ttdesign rational multimedia courseware according to the thinkingtheory, without being the reprint of the textbook.


18. Introduced PCDOS courseware, when the virtual machine when learning VMVARE download PPT, very useful.


19. This paper introduces the features of Authorware, probes into the basic flow of the design of teaching courseware, and introduces the concrete steps of CAI courseware.


20. The characteristic of CAD/CAE technique was introduced. The ideal of developing teaching courseware based on CAD/CAE technique was presented.


21. The article introduces skills of how to apply Flash cartoon to courseware tools, such as Powerpoint, Dreamweaver, Authorware, Frontpage, Director, VB and so on, which enables courseware more vivid.


22. The paper introduces multimedia network courseware's model structure、design tools and methods.


23. The paper introduces the methods of random choosing questions in the multimedia courseware.


24. This article introduces the methods of downloading, setting, adding PPT courseware and converting parameter setup when converting PowerPoint courseware to Flash cartoon.


25. This article introduces some program design skills and a good programming habits of making multimedia courseware with Authorware.


26. This paper introduces the methods for developing MCAI courseware of computer maintenance, and describes the use of Authorware in designing MCAI corseware.

介绍多媒体课件《计算机维修》的开发与设计过程 ,指出 Authorware软件在 MCAI课件制作过程中的使用方法

27. Based on Dreamweaver and C~(++ ) Builder,an applied multimedia courseware for tower equipment design is developed.


28. This paper designs teaching courseware of digital image processing based on graphic user interface development environment and image processing toolbox of MATLAB.


29. Based on the course of design of die-casting mould,the CAI courseware was developed with Animator Pro and Authorware 6.5 software,and the making processes and system flow chat were introduced in the paper.


30. However, because of the limited time, the influence of PPT courseware applied in the term of long titudinal time is still under research and discussion.


31. Effective courseware development requires a range of specialized skills, especially when the intended audience is global.


32. The author researched the criterions about streaming media in home and abroad, provided a new standard of streaming media network courseware resources. SMIL(Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) conforms to XML syntax.


33. The teaching content and teaching system of the Mechanics of Marterials are optimized,a multimedia courseware is produced and used in the teaching,some advice are given.


34. Be sure that it is a courseware of "YuCai",please click "Yucai" on the rihgt ,you can enter Yucai's website.I am not fastidium.


35. MMB makes teaching courseware quick,efficient and convenient.


36. Making use of Powerpoint courseware can be up and doing classroom teaching mood and can bring up and waken students learning interest and can bring up ability of students to improve teaching quality.


37. The prontpage interface of Web courseware includes glassiness buttons of course learning, course project, Web test and review, duologue between teacher and student, and user registration etc.


38. Minimum of 3-5 years work experience in multi-media industry with WBT/CBT courseware design, programming and development, preferably direct experience in AICC/SCORM development.


39. Minimum of 3 years work experience in media/advertisement industry with animation design/WBT/CBT courseware development.


40. This paper analyzes the applications and necessity of multimedia courseware in teaching,and introduces the design and realization process of multimedia courseware making by software PowerPoint.


41. With the Authorware5.0 produced by Macromedia company , we can use more littler time and expense to get excellent multimedia CAI courseware.


42. Using CAI courseware well, try to pass check in every section.


43. The courseware of computer assisted chromatography instruction based on Web which combined text,sound and graphics is programed by Frontpage 98 and hyper text markup language.

利用网页制作工具Frontpage 98 和超文本标记语言等将色谱分析教学中有关文字、声音、图像等资料组织起来,制作了基于Web 的色谱分析超媒体教学课件.

44. The computer assisted courseware for chemical reaction engineering on WEB is programmed with FrontPage2000 and HTML language.

利用网页制作工具FrontPage2 0 0 0和HTML语言以及ActiveX技术制作了反应工程计算机辅助教学课件。

45. Different curriculum can be realized conveniently on the base of the network courseware, as well as the dynamic content management.


46. Beijing University of network information security courseware, of the cloud was taught. Here we share.


47. Bosch Rexroth will also provide the hardware, courseware and teachware to the IC.


48. The design of CAI kill well courseware was based on Authorware 5.0. The characteristics of Au-thorware Software and the major content for development were introduced in this paper.

压井CAI课件是基于Authorwaxe 5.0系统开发设计的。 文中介绍了Authorware软件的特点,介绍了开发的主要内容。

49. Based on the domain ontology,a semantic conflict elimination model is put forward,which is the foun- dation to resolve semantic confliction in authoring courseware cooperatively.


50. Thus, the courseware provides the opportunity for teachers to enhance their pedagogical value to the curriculum, further promotes students' interest and motivation in learning.


51. During the procedure, the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form a coher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware.


52. In the basis of grapic arts, the design of the courseware interface elements such as texts, icons, layout to be conduct in-depth and summarise these elements to obtained some methods of design.


53. This dissertation has put forward a new-type exploitation mode of CAI courseware on the basis of summarizing present researching background.


54. This method contains three key issues: PowerPoint Courseware Preprocess, Semantic Paragraph Acquisition Based on Text Classification and Knowledge-point Summarization.


55. Based on practice,introduces a way how to implement a dynamic showing of multilevel structure map and remark map by layer in homepage courseware.


56. Animation of multimedia CAI courseware made by Flash5.0 was first transformed to avi format and then imported to Authorware with DirectMedia Xtra.


57. With instructiveness as its major concern,the making of multimedia courseware aims to assist teachers in their teaching and teaching reform.


58. The design of multimedia courseware is the key link affecting the courseware quality and teaching results.


59. Multimedia courseware applies many kinds of media information,such as text,image,video frequency,voice,to construct the circumstances of computer assisted instruction directly and actively.

多媒体课件运用了文字、图像、视频、声音等多种媒体信息 ,构造生动、直观的计算机教学环境 .

60. Multimedia courseware (CAI)ia a kind of method application of modern science technigue means for the classroom teaching.


61. Character Editor Appication for CAI Courseware Development.


62. Students may visit the site to study related courses at any time through a browser of a wireless communications equipment(WAP mobile phones).They can download either courseware or video to study.


63. This article discusses the skills of controlling sounds in Authorware while creating courseware.


64. Gain as much information as possible about the textbook, use our owned word to give an oral summary of the courseware that we have just learned.


65. And the author hopes that it may engender deeper research of interactive multimedia courseware.


66. Help of very good learning courseware VC is a slide format.


67. In this paper, the development of physics coursewar es using Authorware is given.

应用 Authorware提供的各种图标 ,对制做物理教学 CAI课件的方法进行了研究与实践

68. A multimedia courseware authoring environment based on the methodology of MCAE is presented.


69. Microwave virtual experiment means to demonstrate some microwave phenomena by operating software. To do this, multifunction computer-aided instruction(CAI) courseware must be designed and developed.


70. In order to enhance the vividness and attraction of the courseware,flash,super-linking,vide...


71. I conceive to make a courseware by using the software of Authorware,so you can know ancient people and Guo Tegang,and your love to traditional arts can be trained of course.


72. It is of practical value to apply Constructivism theory, explicit learning and implicit learning, and learning conditions theory, into the development and design of multimedia courseware for grammar teaching.


73. The organization of streaming courseware system is then illustrated.


74. Some views of combination of the strong points of multimedia courseware and traditional teaching model are given in order to heighten the study quality.


75. This article introduces the functions,flow and meanings doing Web browser with Authorware6.0and researches the advantages of doing multimedia courseware with the software.


76. Oriented to improving power electronics system teaching, the CAI courseware of power electronics system was developed using computer interactive and multi media technology.


77. The callisthenics CAI courseware is a valid assistance to the callisthenics teaching.


78. Redacting multimedia courseware with VB to solving some problems of display and play and control on animated drawing and audio and picture and text, here we introduce some programming technique and key technology.


79. The multimedia courseware play a very important role in modem classroom teaching.


80. The design of multimedia courseware for pediatric teaching is crucial to the courseware quality and teaching results.
