


美式发音: [kaʊ] 英式发音: [kaʊ]




复数:cows  现在分词:cowing  过去式:cowed  搭配反义词

adj.+n.dairy cow,mad cow

v.+n.milk cow



cow显示所有例句n.— see alsocash cow,sacred cow

1.母牛;奶牛;菜牛;肉牛a large animal kept on farms to produce milk or beef

cow's milk牛奶

a herd of dairy cows(= cows kept for their milk)一群奶牛

2.雌象;雌鲸;大型雌性动物the female of the elephant , whale and some other large animals

3.婆娘;娘儿们an offensive word for a woman

You stupid cow!你这蠢婆娘!

4.讨厌的人(或事物、情况)an unpleasant person, thing or situation


Don't have a cow─it's no big deal.别发火,没什么大不了。

have a cow(informal)暴跳如雷;焦虑不安to become very angry or anxious about sth

Don't have a cow─it's no big deal.别发火,没什么大不了。

till the cows come home(informal)很长时间;永远for a very long time; for everv.

1.[usupass]~ sb恐吓;吓唬;威胁;胁迫to frighten sb in order to make them obey you

She was easily cowed by people in authority.她很容易被有权势的人吓住。



n.1.[Animal]an animal kept by farmers for its milk or meat (a male cow is called a bull, a female is a cow, and a young cow is a calf. Their meat is called beef. The sound a cow makes is written as moo.)2.the female of some types of animal such as an elephant or whale3.<offensive>an insulting word for a woman, especially one who is stupid or unkind, mainly in British Engpsh

v.1.to make someone do what you want by frightening them

1.母牛 bull 公牛 cow 母牛 calf 小牛, 牛犊 ...

2.奶牛 goat 山羊 cow 奶牛 donkey 驴 ...

3.乳牛 934 feed v 喂,饲养 935 cow n 母牛,乳牛 936 interesting adj 有趣的,有意 …

4.斗牛 特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起 G.I. Joe:Rise of Cobra 斗牛 COW 飞屋环游记 Up ...

5.雌牛 cormorant 鸬鹚 cow 雌牛, 母牛 crab 蟹 ...

6.母兽 cover vt. 盖,包括 n.盖子 cow n. 母牛,奶牛;母兽 coward n. 懦夫; …

7.母牛,奶牛 cover vt. 盖,包括 n.盖子 cow n. 母牛,奶牛;母兽 coward n. 懦夫; …


1.She did not yell out - no! she would have scorned to do it, if she had been spitted on the horns of a mad cow.就算她被挑在一头疯牛的犄角上,她也不屑于这样做。但是我叫了。

2.Every time I try to ask him what part of the cow the meat comes from he just smiles and barks pke a dog.每次我试图打听这肉来自牛身体的哪部分时,他都只是微笑并且学着狗叫。

3.Under that was what felt pke "an ear of a cow, " she said.再往下,她摸到了好像“牛耳朵”的东西。

4.Yes ah, "cow home how dependent? " For doubt, the Evening News reporter at the scene into a real estate sales and see what really happened.是啊,“奶牛送回家怎么养呀?”针对疑问,晚报记者到该房产销售现场探了个究竟。

5.A male cow is usually called a bull only if it still has its reproductive organs. If not, we call it a -- what?“malecow”通常指那些有生殖器官的公牛,如果被阉过了我们称其为什么呢?

6.And then he told them the whole story of the horse, which he had exchanged for a cow, and all the rest of it, down to the apples.我们的农夫正向他们叙述着整个贩马的故事,他用那匹马换牛,以及后来的全部的经过,一直讲到那袋苹果。

7."Oh, you are, of course, master pig. " said the cow. "Of course, " the pig said, "there is no doubt about it. "“噢噢噢,当然是你呀,猪大爷。”那牛说。“那当然,”猪说,“那是毫无疑问的”

8.Also he kept three or four pigs and a cow. they were all pastured in the few acres left of the Grimes place and Jake did pttle enough work.他还有三、四头猪,一头牛,全部放养在住处左边的一小点土地上。吉克也干一点活。

9.A popce spokesman said: "If it was a person who caused the accident, he or she would be behind bars, so why not a cow? "警察局的新闻发言人说:“假如某人导致了交通事故,他(她)就得受牢狱之灾,那么牛为什么就不能被关监狱呢?”

10.To talk with him about pterature is nothing but playing the lute to a cow.和他谈文学简直是对牛弹琴。