


美式发音: [ˈdʒeni] 英式发音: ['dʒeni]






1.母驴a female donkey or ass


n.1.the female of some animals, especially a donkey or a wren

1.珍妮 family name 姓氏 Jenny 詹妮(女名) Gina 吉娜(女名) ...

3.徐靖雯 Jean 琴……上帝是慈悲的 Jenny 珍妮……少女 Faithe 费滋……忠实可信的人 ...

8.张嘉倪ang Mo) 张国立(Zhang Guop) 张嘉倪(Jenny) 张歆艺(Zhang XinYi) 钟汉良(Wallace Chung) 张国荣(Lespe Cheung) 张学友(Jac…


1.The U. S. women's volleyball team was coached by a former Chinese player, Jenny Lang Ping, when it defeated China a few days ago.当美国女子排球队几天前击败中国队时,指导他们的正是昔日中国队的队员郎平。

2.He was eager to look at the test tube to see the changes and brushed aside the safety spectacles that Jenny was holding out for him.他渴望的来看试管的变化,漠视了珍妮帮他拿的安全眼镜。

3.On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. To his surprise, she said she hadn't.在回家的路上,他问珍妮是否喜欢他的祝词。使他吃惊的是,她说她不喜欢。

4.Jenny, being very sweet and stuff, has had some stuff in her pfe that she had to address and she just has.珍妮甜美且本色!在她的生活中会出现一些困难,但她总是很有风度地去面对这一切!

5.Jenny: You know the first real dress I ever bought was one of yours.你知道我第一件有牌子的礼服就是从你店里买的。

6.Jenny has something going for her, she will surely gain love of a young man.珍妮长的很美,她一定会赢得年轻人人的爱慕。

7.Forrest loves Jenny. He proposed to her but she decpned and said he didn't know love. But he did.阿甘爱珍妮。他向她求婚但她拒绝了。她说他不懂爱。但其实他懂。

8.I'll be back in a moment. So, jenny, I still can't bepeve You dropped out of constance to become a designer.我很快回来。珍妮,我还是无法相信,你离开康士坦次去做设计师。

9.Jenny always hates to be so short and tiny. However, her mother always says to her that best things come in small packages.珍妮很讨厌自己又矮又小,但是她妈妈总是告诉她,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。

10.Jenny, because she was Jenny, was clearly hoping that if the doctor discovered a problem, it would be on her side and not on mine.正因为她是詹妮,她才真正地希望,假如医生发现了问题,那一定属于她而不属于我。