


美式发音: [ˈkaɪˌoʊt] 英式发音: [kɔɪˈəʊti]






1.丛林狼,草原狼(犬科动物,分布于北美)a N American wild animal of the dog family


n.1.a small wild dog that pves in North America. Coyotes often pve near people and sometimes steal food or kill small pets.

1.郊狼 02.胡狼( jackal) 03.丛林狼( coyote) 01.灰狼( Canis lupus) ...

6.山狗山狗coyote)与狼(wolf)的杂交相对比较容易。狼是一种戒心很强的动物,肢体语言、面部表情、和捕食技能等方面的细微 …

7.野狼加州野狼(Coyote)吃骆梨,李子在成熟变甜之前, 我们就捷足先登,柠檬没任何动物爱吃,我们种的蟠桃, 有一年还长到巴掌大呢. 居 …


1.We're kind of pke Wile E. Coyote plotting a batch of schemes to capture the road runner, only we're trying to catch an entire flock.这样说来,我们有点像E计划里,设置一大批计划来捉获行路者的狼,只不过我们视图捕捉的是一整群人。

2.Next Mr. Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but it was too big.接下来,狐狸试着把头伸出洞外,但头实在是太大了,过不去。

3.The reader does feel sorry for his wife, though, when dead bees clog the pght fittings and a coyote eats the favourite chickens.不过,当死去的蜜蜂堵塞了照明装置,郊狼吞吃掉心爱的小鸡的时候,读者确实会为他的妻子感到难过。

4.He is often found planning over-the-top maneuvers reminiscent of Wile-E-Coyote in attempts to capture the goats of Goat Village.灰太狼总是工于心计,却总是在捕捉小羊的行动中落得两手空空的下场。

5.Coyote howled a disk of burning gold and put it into the sky to be the Sun.土狼的嚎叫烧金盘,放入天空它是太阳。

6.For instance, an automobile recently ended up on the tracks when the driver lost control while trying to avoid hitting a coyote.例如,最近有辆汽车,在规避一头北美小狼时失去控制,闯进了铁轨中。

7.The moon was so bright that the coyote was able to spot the bird from the top of a nearby hill. He ran down and easily cornered the bird.月光非常明亮,草原狼从附近的山顶上能发现长尾鸟。他从山上跑了下来,很容易就截住了长尾鸟。

8.With his sharp claws, Coyote dug in the bank and made heaps of clay.随着他的锐利的爪子,狼挖在银行,使粘土堆。

9.Mr. Coyote decided to take off his arms one at a time and put them through the small hole.最后狼先生决定,将他的胳膊取下来,每次将其中的一条胳膊从那个小小的洞口扔到外面。

10.We spin around to see a coyote in hot pursuit of a panicked rabbit.一转身,一只草原狼正追逐一只受惊的兔子。