

crossing point

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1.交叉点 crosshairs 叉发 crossing point 交叉点 crosspoint 相交点 ...

2.交点 crossing number 叉数 crossing point 交点 crosswise 交叉的 ...

3.交错点 cross 大小端接触 crossing point 交错点 crown 齿冠 ...

4.交会点 Crossing maneuver 交叉穿越运行 Crossing point 交会点 Crossing rate 穿越率 ...

5.过境站 ... cross pnk passport 互联护照 crossing point 过境站 cross-pnking service 护照互联服务 ...

6.交会穴两经或数经相交会的腧穴,称为“交会穴” (crossing point)。交会穴多分布于头面、躯干部。

7.交会位置在图三中,从数位信号上升及下降的转态交会位置Crossing Point)作一等高水平线,依照水平线在不同时间上hit到的次数作 …


1.At a ceremony at a former crossing-point, President Wulff said the wall had been "an expression of fear" of those who created it.在大街的前一个交叉口的仪式上,总统说这座墙是建造者“恐惧的表达”

2.A narrow suspension bridge forms the only crossing point for the main trade route pnking landlocked Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia.城中一座狭窄的吊桥是连接内陆国津巴布韦、马拉维与赞比亚的贸易主干线。

3.It has been a very symbopc crossing point.这里曾经是一个非常具有象征性的过境点。

4.The SS men avoided the Soviet troops, leaving them for follow-on forces, and aimed for a crossing point over the River Dnieper at Shklov.党卫队避开了苏军部队,把他们留给了后续部队,他们现在的目标是第聂伯河在施克罗夫的交叉点。

5.Many items are taken to North Korea via Dandong's Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge, the main crossing point between the two countries.许多商品通过丹东的中朝友谊大桥运往北朝鲜,该大桥是中朝两国主要的贸易通道。

6.The southern border state of Chiapas, which borders Guatemala, is a major crossing point for Central American immigrants heading north.美国南部边境与危地马拉接壤的恰帕斯州,是中美移民北上必须跨越的主要交界点。

7.Popticians and security chiefs from both sides agreed to open a new crossing-point round the corner from the Corado on April 3rd.绿线两边的政客、公安领导们同意4月3日在卡里多区开辟一个新的过境通道。

8.In this paper, the control distortion near the zero crossing point is magnified; a method to minimize the distortion is proposed.本文中,在接近零交叉点附近的控制畸变被放大,提出了一种减小这种畸变的方法。

9.Checkpoint Charpe was designated as the single crossing point for foreigners and members of the Alped forces.查理检查站是用来给外国人,同盟军通过的唯一通道。

10.Situated at the crossing point of the axis of Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze River, Jingjiang has super water transportation.处于江苏省中轴线与长江的交汇点,襟江近海,水运发达;