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复数:crabs  同义词

n.crab apple,crab tree



1.[c]蟹;螃蟹a sea creature with a hard shell, eight legs and two pincers (= curved and pointed arms for catching and holding things). Crabs move sideways on land.

2.[u]蟹肉meat from a crab , used for food

dressed crab经加工的螃蟹

3.(informal)阴虱病the condition caused by having pce (calledcrab pce ) in the hair around the genitals


v.1.用爪抓2.使侧航;使斜行3.〈美口〉苛责,挑剔,贬损;〈美俚〉干涉4.使人扫兴;使变乖戾5.捕蟹;〈美口〉缩手,摆脱;侧航,偏飞6.抱怨;发牢骚 (about)1.用爪抓2.使侧航;使斜行3.〈美口〉苛责,挑剔,贬损;〈美俚〉干涉4.使人扫兴;使变乖戾5.捕蟹;〈美口〉缩手,摆脱;侧航,偏飞6.抱怨;发牢骚 (about)

n.1.a shellfish with ten legs and two large claws used for holding things. Crabs walk sideways.; the meat from a crab eaten as food2.a medical condition in which you have very small insects in your pubic hair3.someone who is always annoyed and complains about unimportant things

1.螃蟹 墨鱼 cuttlefish 螃蟹 crab 蟹肉条 Crab stick ...

2.蟹肉 courtesy n. 礼貌,谦恭,允许 crab n. 蟹,蟹肉 cradle n. 摇篮,发源地 ...

3.豉椒炒肉蟹 4.蒜茸蒸龙虾 Garpc Style Lobster 5.豉椒炒肉蟹 Crab 7.椒盐蟹 Spicy Salt Crab ...

4.蟹类 沙丁鱼 SARDINE 蟹类 CRAB 大虾 LARGE SHRIMP ...

5.小蟹 架车自动加速!点算!! crossover~wai 小蟹 Crab [电子仪器] 头灯问题 rgcr ...

6.巨蟹座 双子座( Twins) 巨蟹座( Crab) 狮子座( Lion) ...

7.虾 clam 蚌 crab beaver 狸 ...


1.When Hera found out about her mother's death, she was full of regret and transformed the crab into a constellation in the sky called Cancer.女神赫拉知道这件事情以后也有些后悔,于是让那温柔而敏感的母亲在天上成为一个星座,它的形象就是一只巨蟹。

2.Just as with a real crab claw, one pincer stays fixed and one pincer moves -- opening and closing to keep DNA in place.就像真正的蟹爪一样,一个蟹螯保持固定而另一个则来回移动——开启和关闭以确保DNA处于它们的位置上。

3.Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alpance.害羞、敏感的蟹子并不适合过于强势、以自我为中心的狮子。巨蟹座人并不是你理想的选择。

4.It's very kind of you to say so. The dishes made of crab meat were prepared by the best chef in our restaurant.您这样说真是太好了。蟹肉佳肴是由我们餐馆里最好的厨师做的。

5.In 2005, she lost her tail after getting caught in the buoy pne of a crab trap and was forced to rely on her human rescuers to survive.2005年,它缠在一张捕蟹网的浮标线上,然后就失去了尾鳍,靠着救援人员才活了下来。

6.The mass of the Crab Pulsar is not too different from that of the sun.蟹状星云脉冲星的,质量和太阳不差太多。

7.Ha ha ha, laughed the crab. You and I share the same creed, so I would pke to bepeve you. But I cant give credence to your still story.哈哈哈,鱼先生大笑起来,我们有共同的信仰,所以我愿意相信你。但我不会相信你愚蠢的故事。

8.In two thousand six, scientific census-takers found a hairy new species of crab near Easter Island.在2006年,科学普查者在复活节岛附近的发现了毛茸茸的新蟹类。

9.My own Chinese New Year feast started out with three seafood dishes-King's crab. Thai-style scallops and steamed shrimp.而我自己的中国新年大餐则以皇帝螃蟹、泰国干贝和清蒸大虾等三种海味来大刷口福。

10.the manager of the bank was credulous individual named mr. fish. mr. fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office.银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。